Tuesday 23 January 2007

Dirty Secrets Emporium

  • A new EVE corp

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Dirty Secrets Emporium


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Wednesday 3 January 2007

Cyvok on CORM leaving ASCN

Dark Matter 2006-12-31 17:12
My last post as a spy

Cyvok on CORM leaving ASCN;

Originally Posted by [CORM] Peregrine Omega
You guys don't seem to understand that CoRM is not falling apart like the rest of you. CoRM has strengthened and tightened up during this war, all the while fighting just as hard, if not harder. Our corp surviving in this way, is EXACTLY why BoB wants to keep us here. )

This it total BULL SHIT, if BoB based their respect of a Corp on their combat abilities CLS/CLS-F would have been at the top of the list for a "deal". The reason they offer Corps like yours "deals" is because you are not a threat to them. You'll sell out to the power in the region, and if you ever get delusions of grandor BoB know they can just walts over and take the station whenever they want. Actually, they will probably do exactly that when/if they finish with the rest of ASCN. Fact is CLS has more kills in its history against BoB (past forms included) then the rest of ASCN Combined, and abotu 5 times that CoRM has ever gotten.

In A way I guess some of the EvE Community was correct in calling ASCN "Xetic 2", Looks like the same Corps that put up the biggest fight orgionally are going to be the same Corps doing it again. (IE CLS & IXC).

I orgionally felt like I had let ASCN down and that I had failed as a leader, after reading these boards for the last few weeks I am convinced that you lot failed me. You did not prepare for this war, you sat on your asses sucking up ISK, you never truly developed a loyalty to what ASCN was suposed to be, you let anyone with a mining laser join your corps, you gave idiots hanger access and POS rights, you were fucking lazy... told me what I wanted to hear and put forth a tolken effort to reach ASCN Goals.

If some of you "great" CEO's had actually logged in and motivated your members now and then perhaps ASCN would have been populated by 25 Corps with a backbone that could decimate BoB, instead we seem to have ended up with 2 or 3 hard core Corps and a bunch of sellouts looking for an easy ride.

My personal thoughts aside...

I have always been one to understand that decesions need to be made to keep your members happy and enjoying EvE. I can only hope that you are as loyal and generous to BoB as you have been to ASCN, if that be the case, BoB's days are truly numbered.

...Very Disappointed, I spent 2 years building a pile of shit.

Dark Matter 2006-12-31 17:13
Redclaws reply

Originally Posted by [CLS] CYVOK
This it total BULL SHIT, if BoB based their respect of a Corp on their combat abilities CLS/CLS-F would have been at the top of the list for a "deal". The reason they offer Corps like yours "deals" is because you are not a threat to them.

Oooh right I see it now! Thats why DR with half the member count of CLS was above CLS in the killboards all the time. They were even above the "totally pvp" CLS-F for most of the time.
But yah DR is a shitty corp right? You wanted to kick us out before the war! It's you that made us recruit 50 members on short notice but only due to DR's strict access to hangers were we able to keep thefts in check.

Originally Posted by [CLS] CYVOK
Fact is CLS has more kills in its history against BoB (past forms included) then the rest of ASCN Combined, and abotu 5 times that CoRM has ever gotten.

Not during the war...thats for sure...

Originally Posted by [CLS] CYVOK
In A way I guess some of the EvE Community was correct in calling ASCN "Xetic 2", Looks like the same Corps that put up the biggest fight orgionally are going to be the same Corps doing it again. (IE CLS & IXC).

Get your nose out of your ass and have a look around : CLS didn't fight any harder than another corp. You're totally biassed cause you were the leader of CLS.

Originally Posted by [CLS] CYVOK
I orgionally felt like I had let ASCN down and that I had failed as a leader,
after reading these boards for the last few weeks I am convinced that you lot failed me.

No dude its all you...you and your crappy leadership and idiottic HC (not all of them but a lot of them)

Tell me : howcome a snotty little brat like Prometheus Wong gets a leadership position? I'll tell you : he had a butload of isk to help build the first outpost and you gave him a position in return for isk. You sold out ASCN right there already.

That little weasel came into ZS-2LT local the day after DR (with 15 active members at that time) build an outpost _without_ the help of the alliance to tell us that we put it at the wrong moon and that DR "can't do anything right".

We build that outpost on our own damnit : 3 ASCN guys helped to haul some stuff thats it!

Howcome you let a guy like SamuraiJack be a semi-diplomat when you KNOW he's a hothead and will change standings for us all just cause 1 guy looked at him wrong?

Howcome a great big alliance called ASCN split up to form ASCN&AXE just because the leaders didn't agree on what to do next? : THAT , right there, has been the downfall of ASCN. You just couldn't work together.

Originally Posted by [CLS] CYVOK
You did not prepare for this war, you sat on your asses sucking up ISK, you never truly developed a loyalty to what ASCN was suposed to be, you let anyone with a mining laser join your corps, you gave idiots hanger access and POS rights, you were fucking lazy... told me what I wanted to hear and put forth a tolken effort to reach ASCN Goals.

Not even gonna comment on this crap...

Originally Posted by [CLS] CYVOK
If some of you "great" CEO's had actually logged in and motivated your members now and then perhaps ASCN would have been populated by 25 Corps with a backbone that could decimate BoB, instead we seem to have ended up with 2 or 3 hard core Corps and a bunch of sellouts looking for an easy ride.

If you, "great" alliance leader, had actually logged in (instead of fucking around with the forums, changing appearances and adding games is SOOOO much more important than being on the front lines right??)
and motivated your members (instead of lying to them about your plans) then perhaps ASCN would have been led by somebody more compitent that a pineappel. Instead now you end up with a damaged rep from losing a titan to a total fuckup (and lying about that aswell...) and a wrong view on Eve as a whole.

Originally Posted by [CLS] CYVOK
...Very Disappointed, I spent 2 years building a pile of shit.

YAR! Maybe you shouldn't have played so much under the table and kept everything so top secret even your right hand didn't know what to do cause you didn't tell it what the left hand was planning.

Seriously! Get a clue! Why haven't you run away from these forums yet just like you did when your alliance needed you.

I saw the bob titan more than i saw ours damnit...

Tell me : why did I fight 1 month in T-CAG btw? A system with 0 importance.
Why was there 0 fuel and 0 guns on the crapload of posses you dumped in T-PAR?
Where were you all the time when we needed you to jump us into a bob owned system with your 120Billion isk titan?

And you still blame us grunts for this? Even bob knows it : read the forums, they all say ASCN's membership isn't the problem : It was crappy leadership.

Now you finally know how i feel about it. If i had said this while you were still the leader i'd be kicked out for sure. Can't have somebody saying you did something wrong now can we?

Cya Cy

Rexthor Hammerfists 2006-12-31 17:15

the first truly honest speech of him, respect to that ;)

teqNo 2006-12-31 17:19
"I orgionally felt like I had let ASCN down and that I had failed as a leader, after reading these boards for the last few weeks I am convinced that you lot failed me."

haha, god, that man is unbelievable

Xrak 2006-12-31 17:20
Fun Fun Fun!

Kryztal 2006-12-31 17:26
God, Cyvok still hasn gotten a clue.

Telling them that they failed him, like wtf ?! Not all in HC were bad, some really had a clue and could have done something. But meh with a leader like that they were doomed.

/me huggles the BoB ceo's

Im damn proud to play this game in BoB

Anafranil Aprovel 2006-12-31 17:26

Priceless, almost makes me miss Cyvok!


JINX HSC 2006-12-31 17:29
lolzor nice reading DM!!!

Hast 2006-12-31 17:32
is anyone else shocked that he finally jumped ship and blamed anyone but himself for his own shortcomings? :rolleyes:

Hectic 2006-12-31 17:33
testing to see that the quote system works...
Ok, since it does... USE IT!!!!111

Tuesday 2 January 2007

BNC Director Forum Porn

Here is another example of the type of intel I have access to...

It is from November and the titan's already built. Now stop saying my information isn't fresh. The valuable and fresh intel I keep for paying customers! Everything on this blog is just teaser.

D2 Capital Production (Mothership/Titan) [27 Nov 2006]

[quote="Chrony"]I found a D2 Assembly Array that's currently building something.

Time to finish: 22days 13h --> Means Titan or Mothership, nothing else takes s
o long.

Location: QYZM-W



Other Capital Arrays:



Screenshots of POS's with Arrays (will be added as soon as i get the time to mak
e them)



Chrony, Spymaster, I know what you did with that poor rubber duck![/quote]

[quote="Chrony"]As suggested in BoB Command on IRC ill be moving an Alt into X-T
raders to see what excatly they are currently building in QYZM-W.
While im there ill try to get access to their POS's and see if we cant liberate
the Mothership/Titan when it finishs. We all know it rightfully belongs to us!!!

Why im making this post? Cus it means that i probably wont be able to play very
much with the Chrony Acc.
If it works tho it will be worth it! :D[/quote]


This one is a Titan for sure, nothing else takes that long.




[quote="Blacklight"]Yes gothmog, the decision was made that attacking that POS w
as not the right thing to do at the moment.

It would leave us too exposed in our own territory to take a week out and go and
hit D2 atm.[/quote]

Note to BoB: I also have some information that could get a dozen BoB member banned from EVE so please stop petitioning me.

"Think of a BoB puppet corp controlling D2!"

EVE-O Related Thread

To start the new year, we reveal the plan by the BoB leadership to put a spy into D2. That's hardly news, as all the alliances are spy ridden. What makes this maneuver different, is that BoB leadership placed an entire corp of BoB alts into D2... MONTHS ago. That's right, as we speak, D2 has been infiltrated by an entire corp of Alts who are controlled by BoBs most trusted. A fun quote from dbp on the topic is, "think of a BoB puppet corp controlling D2" . While controlling D2 from within may be a lofty goal, the more realistic stated goal of rotting D2 from within seems far more possible. (Having dbp posting on their internal forums would probably do it alone.

Alliance leaders if you need help exposing BoB spies, drop me an email or add me to google talk (kugutsumen@gmail.com.)

Don't forget, your isk keeps me working. Please donate when you have a moment.

Edit: This is one of my reply on the EVE-O forum to Kcel Chim comments:

Originally by: Kcel Chim

the pic is: a) edited, the date is missing in the header

I edited the date on purpose because it would make narrowing the search to easy. It is already easy when you know that there is only a few corps which joined after D2 was created. Some of the BoB corp have german and french divisions so language will not be a problem.

Originally by: Kcel Chim

b) appears to be a private message between galv and dbp so how did the op get it without hacking ?

One of my agent has a full SQL backup of one of BoB member corp's forum. I don't know how he got it nor do I want to know. From my understanding he might have hacked them or infiltrated them and help them with programming stuff and they handed him admin access. Again I don't really want to know.

Originally by: Kcel Chim

c) it doesnt cover galv's writing style d) there are other themes on the bob forum.

The subject of the message is "From Directors forum" and I understand that the original message was copied by galv from the BoB director forum. I think it was from digitalcommunist (an ex-GHSC member btw), I am not entirely sure.

Originally by: Kcel Chim

Last but not least why would he need to mail dbp this at all, as far as im aware dbp has directors access so there would be no point in the last paragraph of the mail at all.

Maybe he didn't trust everyone in the directorship... and the advantage of private messages over a forum post is that the recipients can delete it after it read; obviously it was not.

Monday 1 January 2007

Happy New Year!

Big hangover! I haven't disappeared.

I'll be back on the EVE-O forum tomorrow with some exciting BoB/D2 insider news.

Happy New Year 2007!