Sunday 3 March 2013


MANDOZER: Ok lets do this

JEFFRAIDER: ok nigga

MANDOZER: Hi welcome to fireside chats with Mandozer, Today I'm interviewing JEFFRAIDER. He's a member of Sniggerdly/Pandemic Legion. Hows it going bro.

JEFFRAIDER: It's going awesome man, thanks for asking

MANDOZER: Not a problem. I'd like to get a little background history first for the readers. Lets talk a little bit about what got you into eve and when.

JEFFRAIDER: Okay yeah so, I'm a publord that read about the GH-SC heist back in the day, thought man that's cool as hell, and signed up to EVE super drunk cuz I figured I could steal mad monies from people. I've been on somethingawful since 2001 so I joined Goonswarm and did all the Newbee shit until my RL friend Phalanx III who I met through the irl car racing community said hey, forget goons, join my 
Then I joined Dead Squirrel Society and had a glorious 10 months as a high-sec pubbie
learning to do L4 missions in a drake and also doing a few really fun high-sec war-decs

Once I started roaming around with my bros in corp I realized how far out of the average league we were, and started trying to push for better PVPing
our corp culture at the time was full chill-mode tho, and people thought the idea of only one person FCing was super tryhard so me and Phal and Kamarr Vost left for Sniggwaffe about 10 months after me joining DSS
6 months later I was in Sniggerdly, and 3 years later I'm still here and a nerd-active director and sort-of-PL diplo (I reimburse dudes when we kill blues, that's about it)
that's about it

MANDOZER: That pretty much owns. When you first started did you have anything in mind in regards to goal besides: steal arab money and kill tons of dudes. Which, are pretty damn good ones.

JEFFRAIDER: Well I never thought about killing when I joined, my plan was to be a SUPER SPYMASTER/THIEF
but i actually suck at that
i don't like lying to people and really value nerdfriendships so i'm sort of the opposite of a good spy/thief
i did fall in love with eve mechanics
once i actually read the tracking formula and saw it in action i was really hooked
like it's such a deep game, i don't know, it was and still is irresistible to me
oh yeah you asked about goals

MANDOZER: I can't lie, I've left EVE quite a few times and just keep coming back. Can't say the tracking formula did that for me cause the farthest I ever got on really analyzing that was...some gif of a rifters turrets tracking a incursus and pew pew bullets. But the fights when you get them.
Yeah was being JEFFRAIDER SUPERCAPITAL FC EXTRAORDINAIRE one of them by the way?
since we're on goals

JEFFRAIDER: no well not really
it was maybe for a second
but the time between me wanting to be some big FC and me realizing what kind of effort it would take to FC was pretty short
like i liked the idea of me being some epic FC
but once i started learning about the work every FC puts in each time
i kind of gave it up cuz that part of it isn't fun to me, it's terrible
it did give me an appreciation for anyone who willingly FCs tho
i do like small gang FCing and stuff
and I FC anytime our supercaps are tackled but no one else will do it
that's about it tho

MANDOZER: In regards to recent events, namely throwing the CFC Supercap fleet in the dumpster in some random lowsec system. Were you around for that? Can you possibly tell us more about how that unfolded. Its been a bit and me personally, all I've figured out is boat was a retard and dropped titans to save himself or some shit.

i wasn't there
I was dogsitting out of town
and had to watch the streams on a terrible laptop
it unfolded pretty cool tho
but it's been better covered by sala cameron's BR
basically boat wanted to drop subcaps on a low-sec fight
but sala/mrblue had been stalking that idea for a few days and were in contact with FATE
and boat made a simple mistake and instead of bridging he jumped
they tackled him
and everyone hates on boat for bringing in everything
like he called for everything to come in and save his titan
but honestly pl would do the same
and every serious alliance would do the same
so i don't really fault boat for much except the misclick

everyone who says that cfc shoulda let boat's titan die
or only brought in supercarriers
is retarded
everyone worth a shit would have called in the thunder to save a titan
that's pretty mucht the game
so yeah i don't really fault boat for his decision
i'd have done it
shadoo would have done it i think
tho he's so far above my level idk
but yeah
no one should write off a titan
and also
boat committed cfc supers
against only pl supers
which he outnumbered
literally 0 people in eve wouldn't have gone in on that
fuck whoever else has a different opinion
he didn't know that BL. and Null would come
and PL hates BL.
well shadoo does
but it wasn't a sure thing from our perspective to be bros w/ them that night
and from boats perspective it definitely wasn't a sure thing
idk i'd prolly have lost the same supers or more
only thing after everyone committed that went wrong from cfc side is they went after archons a-z
shoulda ignored them and gone after dreads or nyxes tbh

MANDOZER: That shit was pretty nuts, I didn't get it either, I had a party to go to and was like ugh fuck boat. Told them in the skirmish commanders channel I hope you all die. Come back, they all died. That helped alot though.

i'm glad it was cool for you

MANDOZER: Yeah everyone involved seemed to have loved it, even the guys who died simply cause hey it was a fight.


MANDOZER: They got to fight super on super.

JEFFRAIDER: kind of thing that everyone plays eve hoping for

MANDOZER: Yeah this is like the thing that happens once in a blue moon though no one expected this, I think thats the thing about eve or at least part of it. Back when I was a stupid newbie in 08 losing fucking dominixes my thing was Shrike getting shot to shit and being the first live titan kill. I mean you and me can go on and on but its stuff like that I feel makes dudes wanna come back to eve.

JEFFRAIDER: funny story, i actually tackled shrike once
in my rifter

MANDOZER: Stuff thats huge like that. Like you said earlier, that GH-SC heist.

JEFFRAIDER: as a gsf newbro

MANDOZER: how did that work out

JEFFRAIDER: got laughed at pretty hard
he dd'd like 30 seconds later
but i shrieked TITAN TACKLED
and everyone was like that idiot is in a rifter
felt bad

Lets talk about PL a bit, can you give us a rundown on how its like to be a member there.

JEFFRAIDER: it's awesome
we have great FCs for big and small shit
and we get a lot of fun fights because people are working to get us them
the only downside really
is a lot of alliances constantly have posted ops
but pl is really a exercise in being on IRC and paying attention
most of our ops that net kills aren't pre-posted, they're responses to enemies forming
so when irc lights up, it's eve time
unless it's not and you're doing something else
basically you can't plan around timers in pl the same way you do in other alliances, because we mostly form up in response to other groups forming up
but yeah for me personally it's awesome because i can play eve whenever i want
and i feel comfortable that the FC is either a proven 0wner or someone trying something and that's ok too
but complete retards just don't get numbers
and they basically never get off the ground
example: yaay

MANDOZER: heh yaay
were you going to expand on yaay for a moment or was that it?

JEFFRAIDER: well ok 
he came into pl
full of himself
posted some terrible theorycrafting threads
like hml sacrileges
got trolled
didn't take the trolling well at all
and eventually quit
barely fc'd
because he got trolled so hard
that's about it

MANDOZER: gotcha
We already talked in detail about a major event your guys were involved in. Is there a particular op or event that you feel best showcases how PL works or was very enjoyable to be a part of?

JEFFRAIDER: well it's tough to say because i feel the value of pl on most ops, tons of dudes trying to get cynos, people scouting, hunting etc. it makes the alliances i'm spying on seem impotent tbh
but for an enjoyable op
today we did faction battleship drops
just for fun
no fair fights, just dropping 20 machariels, 8 vindis, 4 logs, 4 scimis + hedliner's adrestia on dudes
it was like
we started with only one dude doing bait
and by the first hour we had 3-4 dudes
and we basically dropped for three hours on people without ever having any break in between
it was just a combination of high skillpoints and lots of people who love to kill coming together to get us tons of kills
felt really good

MANDOZER: how many kills you get out of that?

JEFFRAIDER: tons of dudes cynoing and looking and filling important roles in fleet
lemme count

MANDOZER: Also any of them stand out in some way?

JEFFRAIDER: about 49 kills over 3 hours

MANDOZER: hot damn

JEFFRAIDER: it was really mental for an average dropping fleet
but it worked cuz we had lots of people trying to get us kills
including at least 2 awesome bros from BOPE.
um no kills really stand out
we blobbed the dicks out of a navy mega
but mostly we dropped on small gangs
we dropped on this one small gang in BWF
that was frigs/destroyers
about twenty of them
and it was like a smartbomb went off
they all died at once
was awesome

MANDOZER: hahahahaa
I'm glad you fun.
Think one of the funnier kills I've personally gotten last month was luring in a vagabond into a gatecamp with a battlenoctis, nothing special he just saw the bait, followed it in, and got shit on by like 3 cynabals, 5 falcons, some rapiers and like 15 bombers
or something like that

that owns

MANDOZER: also this one the first day or so i was deployed down in delve
but yeah I think that pretty much covers it for questions from me
is there anything you would like to talk about cause we can keep going pretty much all night if you got stuff you wanna talk about

JEFFRAIDER: well okay how about this
ask me about the influx of -a- dudes into PL including makalu

MANDOZER: So how do you feel about first, BOPE, then BUSA, and now Makalu fucking Zarya or whatever his name is being in PL. How are all of them integrating. It sounds like BOPE is doing alright from what you told me of todays hotdrop op.

JEFFRAIDER: I'm glad you asked!!!!


JEFFRAIDER: lemme go back one sec k


JEFFRAIDER: i was a new faggot in pl
we had just finished PWNING atlas
then a tiny corp in pl
with about 6 active dudes
but good actives so no one complained
recruited all of priory of the lemon
one of the main corps in atlas
and including one of the worst dudes from our perspective
Gloria Khan

MANDOZER: thats a pretty gay corp name what the fuck is a priory of the lemon heh
continue btw i just had to say that

JEFFRAIDER: I was quite literally the biggest hateball towards them
and i agree the fuck is a priory of the lemon
i was raging
like we just beat them?!
and they get in
and shadoo continued to smug
will i guess experience pays off cuz
now at this moment
snigg has taken 2-3 active priory dudes
and SAS is quite literally PL's best corp in terms of activity per member
and they are awesome at doing staging towers and logistics
so basically I was hating super hard
but i'm now a super fan
and i think the lesson that taught me was
The nerdcore of PL sort of shapes people that join us
and SAS is a perfect example of nerds who were in a bloated loser alliance joining us and turning into a tight awesome corp that pulls way more than their own weight
now i gave BOPE a chance because i personally love Lee Chanka
Lee has been afk since they joined
but tons of BOPE dudes have proven super useful since
and their bads stopped being bads in the first few weeks
like they had a couple of rough weeks of ratting losses and shit
but they came right around
BUSA I was more scared of
except that MukkBarovian was actually a pretty awesome USTZ roaming FC which we needed
so we took them
and honestly mukk has been amazing
cuz he ignored all trolls
kept FCing
and after his third or fourth roam
no one bothered anymore
he still FCing in USTZ about 5/7 days or smth
like he sitll likes doing what he does
so they've worked out well
also just to be clear both bope/busa have had tons of shitlords
some of which we've broken, some of which have been kicked and some of whom who have adapted
the rest are still brawling

but yeah so makalu
in a way that's like shadoo's head on the wall
he loves recruiting fc's after they lose
but honestly i'm excited for maka
because he always made me lol when raging at -a-
and he's dealt with the trolls pretty well so far
so yeah i'm cautiously optimistic with maka
if he goes mukk he owns, if he goes yaay he sucks

MANDOZER: thank god you didn't recruit MVN btw

i'd honestly fight against mvn
but if shadoo was down i'd go for it

MANDOZER: Glad these guys are working out for you for the most part.
Doesn't MVN have that one dude that's a super sperg above spergs. Avi something

JEFFRAIDER: well they do

MANDOZER: When jean or whoever was dumping all the logs on kugu before -a- finally died

JEFFRAIDER: but honestly i think avi is hilarious on comms

MANDOZER: Breaking him in would be hilarious though.

JEFFRAIDER: and cripes in text
i think he's funny as fuck
but pk is awful typing and talking imo
but shit if shadoo and elise were down i'd deal w/ it
sas taught me not to h8 too hard

MANDOZER: I think I dodged a shitty camp from PK and he was just a horrible faggot in local, bout it.

pk makes me cringe
every time he talks or types
i'd still give him a chance if doo wanted him

MANDOZER: fair enough
How about your time in waffles. Sniggwaffe for those not acquainted.

JEFFRAIDER: My time in waffles was literally awesome
it's a group of people who want to be in PL, but don't want to look like they want to join PL
aka they try hard to own but also try not to look like faggots
i love the waffles
my time in waffles was the best
because they are all dudes who want to 0wn and are open to suggestions
so one day i suggest a pure torp bomber fleet
and we camped doril all night and raped
next day it was all about nanoships and we raped as well
they are just what you'd want out of corpm8s tbh
and that's evidenced by the people in pl quitting pl to go to waffles
Admiral Goberius to be precise
he's an awesome Fc
but he wants a crew that will try his weird ideas
like remote rep ecm burst vexorts
which shouldn't work
but he makes it work
but yeah waffles own
i love them

MANDOZER: Yeah waffles is pretty much the best. I miss playing with them cause they do literally anything and everything.

JEFFRAIDER: yeah you tell waffles fleet in 30 it's suicide coercers, they'll show up with ships

MANDOZER: Also rapecaging doril gate is always fun times.
Would you recommend waffles to anyone who is reading this if so how would they go about checking em out?

JEFFRAIDER: I'd recommend waffles to anyone with about 5M SP and more who are fine with PVPing all the time and hae thick skin. It's not for everyone, but if you think you can take it, join the channel in-game: 
Join Sniggwaffe


shoutout to waffles respect due god

Honestly when I have this posted up I'm gonna see if someone can post up a decent banner image, Waffles could use some press

JEFFRAIDER: yeah man thanks

MANDOZER: Well thank you for talking to me on behalf of kugudotcom. I definitely hope we can talk again in the future.
MANDOZER: Thanks for coming out dude.

JEFFRAIDER: thank you my man this was fun
i love typing millions of words

The groups responsible for calling in PL for this and getting tackle is FATE and DND (Drunk and Disorderly)
Video from their perspective:

Also Sniggwaffe Recruting Thread (Highly Recommended):

DBRB: Banned from anything with a Jump Drive.
DBRB Fleets: If you jumped you died.

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