Friday 29 December 2006

BoB Forum, BNC Forum & Killboard Down

It is been nearly a week I can't read the BoB forum :(

BoB Forum, BNC Forum & Killboard Down...

What's funny is that BoB members have so much hubris that they will not even try to contact me and ask what's going on.
They prefer to put all the blame on me. They don't realise that by accusing me of hacking their forums they have attracted real hackers like a magnet.

Anyway I have some really valuable and unpublished BoB intel if anyone is interested. Contact me on Google Talk ( ).

Thanks to Xendie who posted on eve-o "why does forum rules change when bob wants it to?

forum sigs content? - bob started with starwars sigs and rules were changed to allow them.
posting of intel from outside eve-online forums? - bob posts images and logs from ascn and others forums but when kugutsumen does it from bob's forum it isnt allowed?

can the mods pls make a public comment on the policys and why the constant ruling in favor of bob?"

Thursday 28 December 2006

Thol's Christmas Speech

So, christmass has passed, everyone has gotten fat and lazy, and the time has come to dot the i's and cross the t's.

ASCN war
ASCN are currently dropping fast in membercount and are losing stations every single day. At the current rate ASCN will cease to exist in under a month. Now many of you have spotted that this is happening and therefore i have seen a decrease in corp activity in ASCN space. Now ASCN are not finished yet, and we are getting some intell about other factions might try and push for fountain or delve. It is important that every1 pulls their weight in the corp in these last few weeks of the war with ASCN so we can ensure a speedy ending to this increasingly boring war. Therefore the standing orders for the moment will be:

Everyone will be in AZN or C9N from the 1st of januari. Mains will be in AZN or C9N, alts can be placed in 0oyz- for roaming the K-9 area

This gives people a few more days to make the isk they need for corp tax. But i will emphasise that everyone should be in paragon/feyth in the beginning of the new year.

Member base cleanup
We are currently in the proces of removing members that are not contributing to the corp enough. There will be no warnings, but the people that have been underperforming for a long time will be removed without a conversation. You all knew what this corp was about when u joined. We will not be removing members that in our opinion have legit reasons. Ppl that get kicked because they have been away for a few months without notifying us can always reapply.

Plans for after the war
We currently have a few ideas of what our general plans after the ASCN war will be (if we don't get attacked finally.....). Firstly members will be given a "downtime" so to speak for a week or 2 to recuperate (does someone need this? ). During this time we will also consolidate our assets in the newer regions. After that we have a couple of options:

Option A: Helping F4t4l Revelations
They are basicly old members of ATUK and Black Reign that have requested DICE's help in colonising some of the newer regions. These people include omaha, gunship, ironwolf, t-rex, maasu, djthebaron. They came to us first becus of the longstanding relationship we have with many of their players. This would be a good way of exploring the newer regions, and improving bonds between our own members, since we have had some new guys join as of late.

Option B: Wardeccing Darkstar1, CLS, EDF
If the alliance doesn't wardec these corps, we will do it ourselves by creating an altcorp called "BOB Lite". This wardec will last for a long time and give our members something to do during the time in between 2 big alliance wars. Purely for fun and some griefing.

Option C: Roadtrip
We've done it before to the north, randomly pick a spot and go. Simple, fun and lots of dying!

Corp goals after the WAR
Short term goals:
Improving corp ops for isk making. Exploring, cosmos missions, rig building, complexing, etc.
Improving corp suplies of tech 2 gear/ammo and inties in A-E, creating a more solid bpo library and factory officers
Expanding the corp owned capital fleet, including at least 2 motherships and a few dreads

Long term goals:
Creating a corp owned tech 2 bpo library. This will mostly be a ships/guns library, with the intention of offering these ships to members at extremely low prices
building 2 more outposts in the c3n or g95 area to create constellation control, and thus allowing us to put up sentry guns etc etc etc.

Personal comment
Allthough DICE has been performing far above my expectations in the last 7 months, there is still much we can improve. Member initiative in creating corp ops for example. We are about teamwork above anything, and i woul liketo see even more "older" members of this corp pulling some weight and leading pvp/freighter/npc/plexing etc ops. If we can improve even further on this department i think we will without a doubt be one of (if not "the") best corp(s) in the game. SO make sure u are all in Paragon/feythabolis after januari the 1st.


24H Ban from EVE-O Forum!

Dear Mods,

You have sent me a warning 6 hours ago... then a second warning one minute after the previous one.
I receive a third warning 5 hours ago and I get a 24h ban one minute after!!! This is gay!

It doesn't make sense. Plus some of the thread like the Bob's Secret Plan to Lockdown Fountain was perfectly sane without references to chatlogs or anything!!!

Happy New Year,


5 hours ago... only one minute after the previous warning

Hi, Kugutsumen

You are receiving this notice in regard to the Forum warnings you have received.
Your posting privileges have now been suspended for 24 hours. This temporary ban will be lifted in 24 hours from now.

We value you as a member of the EVEforum community and wish to allow you to continue participating. Please review the Forum Guidelines so that no further action will be necessary to prevent you from joining us on the forums in the future.

The EVEForum Moderator Team

5 hours ago:


Hi, Kugutsumen

You are receiving this notice in regard to the post below which appeared in our forum on 28/12/2006 00:17:36. Trolling is not permitted on the forum. As defined in the Forum Guidelines, trolling is a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering, insulting or instigating discourse among the members of the forum community. Posts of this nature are disruptive and do not foster the sort of atmosphere we desire for our community. If you have a disagreement with one or more members of the forum, please maintain civil language and post your criticism in a constructive way. Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of your posting privileges.

We encourage you to review the Forum Rules found at: Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about the guidelines or this notice.

The EVEForum Moderator Team

Posting of chatlogs/private conversations from another third party forum.

6 Hours ago, that's again one minute after the previous warning!!!


Hi, Kugutsumen

You are receiving this notice in regard to the post below which appeared in our forum on 28/12/2006 00:07:32. Trolling is not permitted on the forum. As defined in the Forum Guidelines, trolling is a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering, insulting or instigating discourse among the members of the forum community. Posts of this nature are disruptive and do not foster the sort of atmosphere we desire for our community. If you have a disagreement with one or more members of the forum, please maintain civil language and post your criticism in a constructive way. Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of your posting privileges.

6 Hours ago:


Hi, Kugutsumen

You are receiving this notice in regard to the post below which appeared in our forum on 28/12/2006 00:00:23. Trolling is not permitted on the forum. As defined in the Forum Guidelines, trolling is a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering, insulting or instigating discourse among the members of the forum community. Posts of this nature are disruptive and do not foster the sort of atmosphere we desire for our community. If you have a disagreement with one or more members of the forum, please maintain civil language and post your criticism in a constructive way. Continuing to disregard the guidelines may result in the suspension or cancellation of your posting privileges.

We encourage you to review the Forum Rules found at: Please feel free to contact us if you have questions about the guidelines or this notice.

The EVEForum Moderator Team

Posting of chatlogs/private conversations from another third party forum.

Wednesday 27 December 2006

Bob Pet Management System


Original EVE-O Thread

We always called them Bob Slaves... The word slave isn't politically correct... in real life we call them "Employees" and in BoB they are called "Pets".

Pet Management

Suggesting a corp
  1. Create a separate post for each suggested Pet corp here.
  2. If after 2 days no one has objected it shall be taken as read that there is no objection.
  3. Someone can then reply to the post for us all to update standings.

Station Access
  1. Station Access Delve (Dianabolic)
  2. Station access Period Basis (Villsen/Cell)

Fee Distribution in BoB (Dianabolic)
  1. Who has paid what and when is recorded (already being done)
  2. Will confirm that they still have bob alliance standings
  3. Divided up between the BoB corps periodically (after removing alliance fees, war dec fees)
  4. Post on corps threads each time they pay.

Basic Rates
Period Basis (or) Fountain (or) Outering = 100m
Any 2 of the Above = 200m
All 3 + Delve = 250m
Note: All rates are per week, per corp.

Alliances Discounts
- No fees for Xelas or Slacker Industries
- ISS has 25% discount
- Alliances get 20% discount if 10+ corps.

Current Deal
- Fees are per week per corp
- No complex rights
- No buy orders for minerals
- Station Refine fee 3%

POS Placements
- Can place any type of POS (including refine)
- Only Xelas & ISS may claim sovreignty (Not in Delve)
- NO POS in station systems
- Promethium and Dysprosium BoB Only.
- POS must be set not to fire on BoB corps (Evol, RKK, BNC, BNC.E)

- Payment goes to Dianabolic
- Post on corps threads each time they pay


1 - Basing in Fountain, with travel rights ONLY in other bob territories.
2 - POS, including refinery, are allowed, except in station systems and NO harve
sting of the top 4 MOON materials (Promethium, Dysprosium, Thulium, Neodynium).
3 - Absolutely NO capital ship assembly arrays, we will not question this if we find them we will simply blow them up and expel you from our space.
4 - BoB will defend against large scale invasions, you are responsible for defending yourself against small to medium sized gangs.
5 - You will match BoB standings in our space and engage hostiles and neutrals when the opportunity arises.
6 - The cost for access is 300m a week, which runs from monday to monday. This is to be paid to the character "Dianabolic" every monday by 23:59 eve time.
7 - Should you be accepted we will supply you a list of standings and it is YOUR responsibility to ensure these are reciprocated.
8 - All pilots are to join the shared defense channel "Bobs Bedroom".
9 - The constellations of Satyr and Chimera are restricted access.
10 - The system of Y-2ANO is for docking or ice mining ONLY, NO NPC'ing and NO o
re mining.
11 - NO complex access.
12 - NO market mineral or ice buy orders.
13 - A deposit of 600m (2 weeks rent) will be paid up front. If you are ever more than 2 weeks late in payment and do not make up this "deposit" your rights and access will be revoked. If however you leave and are up-to-date this fee will be refunded to you.

Paragon Soul
1 - Basing in Paragon Soul with travel rights ONLY in other bob territories.
2 - POS, including refinery, are allowed, except in station systems and NO harvesting of the top 4 MOON materials (Promethium, Dysprosium, Thulium, Neodynium).
NO refinery arrays within 5 jumps of ANY BoB owned refinery.
3 - Absolutely NO capital ship assembly arrays, we will not question this if we find them we will simply blow them up and expel you from our space.
4 - BoB will defend against large scale invasions, you are responsible for defending yourself against small to medium sized gangs.
5 - You will match BoB standings in our space and engage hostiles and neutrals when the opportunity arises.
6 - The cost for access is 300m a week, which runs from monday to monday. This is to be paid to the character "Dianabolic" every monday by 23:59 eve time.
7 - Should you be accepted we will supply you a list of standings and it is YOUR responsibility to ensure these are reciprocated.
8 - All pilots are to join the shared defense channel "Bobs Bedroom". A regional channel will also be provided
9 - NO market mineral or ice buy orders.
10 - NO 10.10 complex use.
11 - A deposit of 600m (2 weeks rent) will be paid up front. If you are ever more than 2 weeks late in payment and do not make up this "deposit" your rights and access will be revoked. If however you leave and are up-to-date this fee will be refunded to you.

TODO: Business Plan for feytabolis, branch, venal, tenal, fade, cloud ring, scalding pass, wicked creek and insmother.
n a similar vein to [url=
orum/viewtopic.php?t=15771Blacklights' "Paragon Pet summary"[/url], can we get a
n indication of suitable numbers to be allowed in to each region so as not to ov
erload their resources and cause friction amongst future pets.

Current 2006:
Paragon Soul:

Optimal 2007:
Paragon Soul:

Estimated 2007:
Cloud ring:
Scalding Pass:
Wicked Creek:
New Regions:

Thanking you please.

Can all future guest requests please include the following information, in the following format:

Corp Name:
Corp Ticker:
Primary Contact:
Secondary Contact:
Active numbers 12:00 to 18:00:
Active numbers 18:00 to 04:00:
Active numbers 04:00 to 11:00:
Primary activity (mining / npc'ing / trade / pos etc):
Active wars:
Corp history:
Capital Ship numbers:
Other notes of interest:

Please have the corp themselves fill this form out so it can be pasted on these



Our current deal with D-L includes a strontium conponent, I'd like to get this r
emoved because of the fluctuating and bulky nature of the material. I'd also lik
e to use this thread to nail down a set of "rates", at least a guideline anyway,
as we're getting a fair few enquiries, one from an ASCN corp tonight and others
from general enquiries.

My suggestion would be:

Single system outpost system:
Exclusive access to the one system, shared mining rights in the constellation.
3bn a month.

Constellation deal:
Exclusive access to one constellation, travel access in other systems only. Must
build at least 2 stations in the constellation.
5bn a month.

Only BoB and the owning faction would have docking rights, no one else.


Merry X-mas, dear Dusk and Dawn members!

Of course any members of D2 can read this.

I would like to remind you guys that I keep valuable intel for my paying customers...

Merry X-mas, dear Dusk and Dawn members!

The new year is close, we achieved a lot this past year, but there still is a lot more to achieve.
When we founded Dusk and Dawn at the beginning of April we took over the regions of Fade and Cloud Ring from G’s heritage. In the following eight months a lot happened in the world of EVE and our realm changed and grew.
Shortly after the foundation of Dusk and Dawn the decision was made to aim for a stabilized north. That which had previously been a raging battlefield should be welded into unison. (Map)

The first target became the region of Branch which offered a suitable foundation for future endeavors. The fleets were mobilized and our first territorial war started against “The Five” and “Babylon Federal Republic”. Simultaneously a front was opened against “Kaos Empire” at home in Tenal, and “Forsaken Empire” which occupied Vale of the Silent and Tribute.

Over the next few weeks everything happened quite fast. Along with our allies Razor we achieved victory over “The Five” and were able to drive away “Kaos Empire”. With this the first goal of pacifying the region of Branch and incorporating it into Dusk and Dawn was achieved. The neighboring region of Tenal was taken over by Razor and became their new home. (Map)

A short time after Branch was secured and declared as new area of operations we built the first base in the outer edges of the region. In the early morning hours of the 29.04.06, 17 days after the foundation of Dusk and Dawn we assembled the alliances first new Outpost. A refining outpost in QYZ-MW, under the control of the newly founded D2 Holding Corp. Additional outposts were planned and deployed in Branch over the next few months.

The D2 Holding was founded to minimize the management efforts and avoid confusion of corporate standings which have to be set by each station owner. Over some time the Holding established control over all Dusk and Dawn stations, unifying management under one banner. This helped to further channel the income from office rents, refining taxes, etc back into the alliance.

The next weeks were marked by fighting in Tribute against “ERA” who were founded by remnants of “The Five” and KIA. “Forsaken Empire” had fallen in the meantime and from its ashes “VOID Alliance” was born who again tried their luck in Vale of the Silent. (Map)
At the same time in northern Deklein the “Sparta Alliance” established itself in cooperation with the also in Deklein living “NFC Alliance”.

Within the next month we were able to decisively beat ERA and they were forced to withdraw. Since we did not had any interest ourselves to hold Tribute we gave it to our friends “Guard” and “Morsus Mihi” who then shared ownership of the region.
Concurrently we increased the pressure on VOID to support the “CDC Alliance”. Within a short time VOID crumbled and CDC was able to take over the whole of Vale of the Silent. At that time also the “Freelancer Alliance” peacefully entered parts of the region of Deklein. (Map)

In July we were forced into our first unplanned conflict, which would become our most bloody war to date. The corporations Steelvipers and Federation of Synthetic Persons decided to leave the alliance. They did this in a rather hasty and unprofessional manner, hard to comprehend. This lead to a dent in Cloud Ring’s defenses, and more importantly, the loss of sovereignty in the core system of XZH. This came to the attention of “Goonswarm Alliance” which up till then lived in Syndicate. In a cloak and dagger operation they moved into XZH and deployed their own POS.
We had had no ambitions to hold on Cloud Ring, actually had wanted to vacate it before these events. (That also had been part of the reasons for STV and FSP, who mostly had lived there, to leave.) However we decided to act on the clearly hostile actions of Goonswarm, by invading what was still D2 territory. (Map)

Fighting started which ensued over weeks, marked by POS attacks, plenty of Node crashes and lag, and thousands of dead Goon pilots. While their battle tactics and equipment were clearly inferior, their unique size and Mega Corp structure made them a new kind of enemy. Goons did not simply focus on expensive high end equipment, but masses of cheap and easy to replace T1 ships. After many battles, and an unsustainable amount of attrition, the goonfleet leadership changed its strategy. Instead of giving our pilots a fight, they avoided enemy contact, while at the same time their logistics deployed more POS. With the time zone advantage on their side they were able to time their reinforced mode to make it awkward to finish the job. POS that we destroyed were replaced by them within a short time. In an attempt to finally establish sovereignty over the system once and for all, Goons anchored another dozen POS, it was then we made the decision to finish this war in a single decisive action.

However while we were fighting in Cloud Ring several other events unfolded in the vicinity. IRON returned back to the screen and pushed back into Deklein. The fight was carried against the alliances of NFC and Sparta. Initially it seemed to become another prolonged war, but then NFC leadership made the fateful call to side with Goons. (the Cyno field in Fade intermezzo)
Due to this incident NFC was set to a negative standing and declared war upon. NFC was not prepared for that at all, within only a few days they collapsed entirely and their space fell back to IRON.

Parts of NFC split off and joined the “Sparta Alliance”, who had been neutral, in northern Deklein. The displeasure of ex-NFC members against Dusk and Dawn caused the democratically lead Sparta alliance to get carried away. They also entered a pact with Goons and declared war on us. In response to that we essentially put the entire XZH campaign on hold, only maintaining the POS there. All military forces were re-deployed to northern Deklein to eradicate Sparta. In five days both stations were overrun completely vanquishing them. Both stations were incorporated into Dusk and Dawn.

After this short trip the final offensive in XZH was initiated. Within one day the POS count in this key system was upped to 42 POS. In securing the majority of moons with this it was made impossible for Goons to regain sovereignty without destroying any of ours. This put an end to their POS spam and strategy of avoiding direct confrontations. Their morale and will to hang on was broken. The next 2 weeks were limited to occasional skirmishes and POS refueling on their side. However more of their POS ran dry and fell prey to our pilots. After the destruction of the final POS the XZH campaign was ended. After pacification the region was handed to Rise who had before operated only in Outer Ring. We unanchored our POS and withdrew from Cloud Ring.

While the XZH offensive drew to a close the “Tau Ceti Federation” launched an offensive into Tribute on our allies Morsus Mihi and Guard. (Map.)
Likewise in a surprise operation they succeeded in capitalizing on a weakness in the defenses of both key systems of Tribute, D7-ZAC and H-W, and deploying their POS their.
Initially only intended as a swift relief action Dusk and Dawn entered the conflict to help our allies. With Razor and Morsus Mihi we cleaned up and regained control in H-W within two weeks. However TCF proved to be stronger and more resourceful than anticipated and massively reinforced their presence in D7. There our forces met strong resistance. TCF had learned and their pilots were very well equipped for anti-dreadnought combat which resulted in substantial problem for us. It took four weeks of hard fighting, dozens of node crashes, overnight actions and multiple new tactics to succeed. But TCF was driven from D7 back to Venal. (Map)

What followed were weeks of relative calm without any territorial wars. TCF decided to leave for the south and there, like Goons, allied with “Red Alliance”. After TCF’s departure Venal noticeably calmed down too, which prompted us to officially lay the long overdue claim to Venal. In the meantime YouWhat with significant support from the corporation Outbreak was able to expel Rise from Cloud Ring and claim it for themselves. (Map)

October was dominated by our Southern Crossfire Campaign, something like a little D2 internal contest, which had the whole south as target. In its two weeks runtime 3964 enemy ships were destroyed, averaging nearly 300 ships per day. The final statistics crowned Einherjar Rising, who clearly led by points, as the winner with a reward of 3 billion ISK. The following weeks were used for some larger fleet exercises.

In November we participated in a campaign in Geminate, which by then was partly claimed by “Euphoria Unleashed” the new founded alliance of Euphoria Released.
The aim was to give support in the dismantling of Roadkill and Smash which had pushed into southern Geminate. The main combat area was in K25. After decimating the enemy POS count and the friend to foe POS ratio was down to one in favor for RoadSmash we became aware of another potential danger which led us to recall our main fleets to Branch.

Some weeks of intensive buildups and defensive preparations followed. Giving us the time to prepare for the quirks of Kali. The far reaching changes in game mechanics it brought, its new challenges, complexes and exploration. Essentially this was continued until today’s event, which concludes this little historical review.

The Erebus project.

In today’s wee hours of the morning a massive project of the last months came to its glorious end. Gigantic amounts of minerals were moved and used up, whole POS networks were built up to ensure today’s launching. As of today, the 24.12.06 Dusk and Dawn is in possession of a gallente designed Titan of the Erebus class. Which is the fifth player built Titan, and currently one of four in service on the server.

The project leading corporations which also fronted the complete financial means amounting
to about 140 billion ISK were in alphabetic order:

Cataclysm Enterprises
Infinite Improbability Inc
Omega Enterprises
The X-Trading Company

At this point again a special thanks to this corporations and their promoting forces.
May thousands fall prey to this behemoth.

Forum / Teamspeak

Along with some maintenance work a new forum software was installed, encorporating a new design that harmonizes with Killboard layout. Additionally in the next days a cleanup of the user database on the Teamspeak server and the forum will follow.

Further, Razor will relocate to our TS server. This is done to further increase our cooperation and to make communication more efficient.

Corporations in the alliance

In the next days 2 new corporations will enforce our ranks. This are:


Stardust Heavy Industries; a promising resident corp of Branch

Both corporations will introduce themselves further on the forum.

Here's to successful cooperation!

The new regions

The northernmost of the new regions, H3J8-U, continues operation in a joint venture of D2, IRON, Morsus Mihi and Razor under Razor’s aegis. Partially POS as bases already have been deployed. NBSI policy continues in these regions.

The next weeks and months

The time of rest is over, from now on there will be action again. The next weeks and months our corporations themselves will again stand the test of time. Participation is not voluntary, but duty to the alliance!

Our Fleet Commanders worked out new fleet fittings, which will be made public in the coming days. They are as always obligatory. Fit your ships accordingly and build up some reserves.

We will go to war again, have fun and we will be deadly.

Long live D2!

Goons invade #bob

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Tuesday 26 December 2006

Band of Brothers CynoNet

Original EVE-O Thread.

You must have guessed that each capital ship pilot is required to have 20 cyno-alts ready at all time... welp!

Dotted line are future cyno routes

BoB Home CynoNet

BoB Eastern CynoNet, ready for D2

Everyone is really curious to have CCP official position on this kind of setup.

Please donate ISK to Kugutsumen if you like this post. Thank you.

Bob's Secret Plan to Lockdown Fountain Core

Original EVE-O Thread

While Celestial Apocalypse is waiting for a fight...

Bob claims that they will be back and kick out Celes... in the meantime, Bob strategists have been at work:

Fountain Code Factory Lockdown

Edit: The plan was originally for goons, but I would suggest that with Fountain core being home to poachers, It's time to make the fountain core into dead stations by locking all the factories for 120 days.

When we're 'back' we can simply un-lock them again.

  • 30 Day queues Per Station
  • 1m m3 Haulage (100m Trit + 50 Shuttle BPOs)
  • 200m ISK
  • 10 Characters

Results in 30k shuttles


  • All 50 slots in the stations are empty and have to be added +30 days.
  • Shuttle BPO is ME:0
  • Trit cost 2/unit
  • Factory slot costs not included
  • Producing Characters have 2 Skills (Probably any PvPer):
  • Mass Production: IV (Req. Industry III)
  • Industry: Up to Level V (Industry skill is counter-productive)
  • Production Efficiency: 0

Donate ISK to Kugutsumen if you like this post.

Monday 25 December 2006

Bob is afraid of AAA + Goons + RA + D2

Original EVE-O Thread (Censored)

Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
[edit]Edited by: Kugutsumen on 25/12/2006 11:06:30[/edit]
[edit]Edited by: Kugutsumen on 25/12/2006 08:58:16[/edit]
In case I am censored, from now on my posts will also be published on

shakaZ XIV asks: "Why wouldn't they go for us? :P

Seriously though... /me looks in crystal ball (or was it tinfoil ball ;p), and sees: AAA probably wanna help RA wipe LV off ze map, then nap D2 (they have done this already, afaik?), after which AAA + goons + RA + D2 + all the other bob haters all gang up on us :D muhaha!

Or not... but you never know! ;p

/me starts mass producing tin-foil

Either way, totally lame from AXE that they just give up. :lol: gg to AAA tbh.."

DigitalCommunist replied: "We also have D2 going to war with us soon (the full extent of which is not clear), with the Fountain flamers and AAA making a move on us at the same time. Since AXE pulled out relatively quick, this might be before we can take all stations and secure them. Translating to capital gangbang in three different regions. If they get their timing right, we're finally gonna have us a good ole challenge on our hands :P

This should make you both horny and worried at the same time, but never afraid. Even if we lose stations or entire regions, its the long run that counts. And of those 3, only AAA would have the willpower to keep it up for half a year.

Oh and D2 finished an Erebus this morning."

Hey faggots, the above two quotes are from TODAY!

Everything I posted below is just to put these quotes into context.

Let's rewind a little bit...

D2 bought an erubus BPO around the 6th of November. At the time Bob had its hands full and was considering taking out D2 capital ship array around the 11th of December with MC and Fix... maybe this is another indication of Bob being overstretched.

At the time Sir Molle said: "Titan needs popped, bring MC and FIX." but there were still concerns of ASCN getting back on its feet... Krystal suggested"
let D2 have their titan and grow some balls, we'll kill it eventually is my opinion."

To this, Rift Scorn replied : "Couldn't state my feelings better on the subject. Make no mistake D2 will not take it lightly if we do this. I'm all for ruining D2's shit, but squish ASCN first then smash D2.

Seeing as they've NAP'd everything that moved in the North Rolling Eyes and they've had a break from POS wars there's nothing to stop them hitting us hard when we got the remnants of ASCN that could get organized and try a re-take."

DB Preacher reminded everyone that the original plan was:

1. attack ascn, piss them off, take out capital fleet.
2. attack d2-, piss them off, take out capital fleet.
3. Spend next year in delve with all of eve attacking us.

Sir Molle rectified dbp's post saying that it was supposed to be D2 first.dbp posted an old convo...
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen

Chowdown > Yo
dbp > hello mr chow
Chowdown > How are you?
dbp > aye not bad, just back from physio... I broke both bones in my legs 2.5 weeks ago
dbp > so sat on my ass most of the day
dbp > how about you?
Chowdown > Yeah not to bad
Chowdown > finally got a proper internet connection after a year
Chowdown > so pretty chuffed
dbp > sheesh, that must have been a nightmare Very Happy
Chowdown > Yup stealing wireless is OK
Chowdown > but not the most reliable on dread ops Razz
Chowdown > anyway the reason I have hunted you down
Chowdown > and I have chatted to thol about it a bit
Chowdown > we believe d2 may be building RA a titan
Chowdown > needless to say
Chowdown > that fucks us off a fair bit
dbp > why build ra a titan?
dbp > why not build it for themselves?
Chowdown > Cause they don't like us
dbp > btw, we know the exact location of the titan
dbp > and when it is due out
Chowdown > Well as I understand they have an erebus in production for themselves
dbp > that's the one we know about
Chowdown > yup potentially they have a second
Chowdown > as I understand
dbp > they have 2 motherships
Chowdown > you guys will be finishing off ASCN fairly soon
dbp > not seen anything that suggests another titan
Chowdown > and after we have made are token effort defending ASCN in there death throws
dbp > we won't actually, we've taken paragon soul but feth will be another 2 or 3 months
Chowdown > hmm
Chowdown > I don't know man
Chowdown > there leadership is in a shit state
Chowdown > lots of in fighting
dbp > have you seen how many outposts they have :p
dbp > the pure logistics of killing it all is going to take a while
dbp > they broke badly in paragon soul a couple of weeks ago
Chowdown > I think they might put there hands up
Chowdown > or certain factions of them
dbp > but are regrouping now in feth
Chowdown > AXE will be hard work
dbp > we're not interesting in axe tbh
Chowdown > but Molle has good relations with SR as I understand
dbp > we did have
Chowdown > ahh well there you go Razz
dbp > but he's pissed at us
dbp > coz we killed cyvok
Chowdown > he is a bit petulant to be honest
dbp > or are killing
dbp > they are fucked with AAA anyay
dbp > I doubt they'll manage to hold that region with aaa there
dbp > which has been great for us albiet I hate aaa with a passion Razz
Chowdown > yup
Chowdown > well 3 factions are well up there on my hate list
Chowdown > RA/Goon, D2 and aaa
Chowdown > to be honest I am not to fussed about anyone else
Chowdown > d2 will be growing soft tho
Chowdown > they have been pretty much left alone for some time now
dbp > in the summer, we looked at who to hit
dbp > we decided D2 > ASCN
dbp > err
dbp > D2 THEN ascn i mean
Chowdown > but ASCN forced the issue?
dbp > however, when we were actually ready to go to war, we found that d2 were fucked up
dbp > so we hit ascn first
dbp > d2 have regrouped and are looking stronger
dbp > so we'll batter them after ascn is finished
dbp > ra/goons will get some too
Chowdown > Well wuth the advent of Kali, we are excited about in roads we can make on RA
Chowdown > goons are losing the will to fight
dbp > without bullshit, how is it going against ra/goons?
Chowdown > well
Chowdown > no bullshit and between us
dbp > same problems as ever? RA just impossible to finish off?
Chowdown > V are a pile of dog turd
dbp > fair
Chowdown > and are losing ground to RA through the inability to manage POS
Chowdown > so I sat down with there managment the other day
Chowdown > and I think that will be sorted
Chowdown > the advent of our titans
Chowdown > will make it very ahrd for RA/Goon to be effective
Chowdown > as they will not be able to lock down any systems
dbp > the titan is lovely btw, the jump bridge instantly bypasses that fucking pish traffic control
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
[edit]Edited by: Kugutsumen on 25/12/2006 08:32:59[/edit]
Chowdown > yup very excited about that factor
dbp > it sounds like you are still caught in a bit of a mincer of a war
Chowdown > and as you know, it is easy to defend a death star against 200 when you have 20 in system
Chowdown > to be honest
dbp > aye
Chowdown > I will attempt to save V's space
Chowdown > V, KOS etc
Chowdown > CHIMP
Chowdown > I wanted them to suceed, but in the worst case scenario
Chowdown > they were just a meatshield
Chowdown > for us to properly defend and gain enough regions
Chowdown > that is in plac enow
dbp > fair
dbp > you going to keep omist and tenerifis?
dbp > couple of my dudes keep fucking off into omist annoyingly
dbp > but then end up getting camped down for hours on end
Chowdown > yup the alliance we have down there is alright
Chowdown > We see it as our home now
dbp > tbh, it's the bext protected industrial space we've seen :p
Chowdown > well my home well always be curse Smile
dbp > bext&
dbp > fuck my spelling :X
Chowdown > You should see what we have sitting in the stations Razz
dbp > hehe
Chowdown > my too mate dyslopixs
dbp > so what are you proposing with regards d2?
Chowdown > mine*
Chowdown > well we should of done it before they made the changes
Chowdown > with regards to reinforced
Chowdown > but maybe a joint venture we can site the reason
Chowdown > RA titan in production yada yada
dbp > we would need to find the actual titan site
dbp > and like i say, we haven't seen it
Chowdown > I have 5 people working on that atm
dbp > only the 2 moships and titan
dbp > for d2
dbp > if you can find it in the next two weeks
dbp > I'm pretty sure we could come to some arrengement with regards a joint venture to kill the erebus AND the ra titan
Chowdown > yup
Chowdown > if the ra titan exist
Chowdown > exists
Chowdown > but
Chowdown > to be honest
dbp > but it would have to happen in the first week of december really
Chowdown > D2 smacked us loads with regards to losing POS warfare with RA
Chowdown > without understanding it
Chowdown > then they got owned
Chowdown > and they shut up
Chowdown > well that still stings me
Chowdown > I would be happy to take out there Erebus
dbp > cool
Chowdown > as long as things looked OK down south
dbp > we could take a week out without a problem
Chowdown > Well it is not so easy for us
Chowdown > unrelenting is the term
Chowdown > But maybe we could bring 30 dreads and a titan up
Chowdown > as we have little use for the dreads atm
Chowdown > I have employed MC to hit RA in the complexes
dbp > ok, let me break it down with the other dudes
Chowdown > or hopefully will soon
dbp > but basically, it's up to you to find the titan
Chowdown > which should hopefully take up a lot of there resource
Chowdown > yup
Chowdown > regardless of that tian
Chowdown > if it exists
Chowdown > wwe are interested in busting the erebus
dbp > ok, I'll get back to you with our thoughts later this week
Chowdown > cya dude
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
[edit]Edited by: Kugutsumen on 25/12/2006 08:37:14[/edit]
Blacklight, bob's wannabe spymaster, suggested: "Would be a good general overall strategy to work unofficially with LV to clean all the wankers out of the south and smack D2 about i.e. we take care of ASCN whilst LV concentrate on reds, we both smack D2's titan and then we both smack both RA/Goons (if they are still going) and then AAA."

At the time D2 was already preparing for Bob's strike... "As far as we know BoB will strike the D2 Titan POS together with FIX and MC, to make sure that we wont finish building the ship by 04.12.06

D2 will do anythin to defend the Titan, probably nap with ragoon if necessary"

Around November 25th, there was a whole discussion as why LV doesn't want to help bob: "After thinking on it more. It really does stink. I would dearly love to kill that titan I mean its the whole BoB vs G thing again really but this benefits LV not us. If they want it dead they come with. We're ready to leave our regions undefended to go and do a job that gives them more than it does us while they sit on their arse. The whole thing reeks of bullshit at this stage and makes me feel that if we go we're gonna come back to find LV, ASCN and half the north squatting in delve"

Alasse said: "I agree completely with Dian (and my god does it hurt Neutral).

Us, MC & FIX all on the other side of the galaxy would be a wet dream for anyone interested in hitting us and there'd be absolutely fuck all we could do about it for days.

Not to mention the fact we'd lose most of our capital fleet in the process, we'd be in a very, very sticky situation if LV & ASCN (maybe D2?) were to roll in to our space at any point within weeks after the fact."

Valora: "We cant stop people from getting titans forever, they will get them sooner or later whether we like it or not. Maybe we should focus on making ourselves stronger, rather than trying to weaken 1 opponent which isnt going to directly benefit us.

Sure, its theoretically easier to kill a titan in the POS on paper, but lets say we reversed the situation and we had 1week of advance knowledge that 50 dreads were going to hit one of our pos... im pretty sure we wouldnt have much trouble formulating a plan that would allow us to rape that dread fleet...."
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
"The posting of chatlogs/private conversations from another third party forum on the EVE-Online Forums is not permitted. In the past we have observed that posting such material has led to excessive amounts of flaming/trolling.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you see a post/thread/signature which you believe to be against the rules.

Kind regards,


Mods, will you FINALLY start enforcing this?
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
"The posting of chatlogs/private conversations from another third party forum on the EVE-Online Forums is not permitted. In the past we have observed that posting such material has led to excessive amounts of flaming/trolling.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you see a post/thread/signature which you believe to be against the rules.

Kind regards,

I'll just start my own forum if I am censored.
Originally Posted by RichThugster
whether its permitted or not, very nice read.

the reason its not permitted is ASCN cry babies
Originally Posted by Queeria
[edit]Edited by: Queeria on 25/12/2006 08:45:37[/edit]
link to said forum then?

Quality posts if this hasn't all been fabricated and is legit.

Interest +1

Oh, and saved to desktop.
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
Originally Posted by RichThugster
whether its permitted or not, very nice read.

the reason its not permitted is ASCN cry babies
Here, have a cookie, big hero.
Originally Posted by Ackath

Where do you get all this stuff?

Originally Posted by Nebba Kenezzer
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
"The posting of chatlogs/private conversations from another third party forum on the EVE-Online Forums is not permitted. In the past we have observed that posting such material has led to excessive amounts of flaming/trolling.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again should you see a post/thread/signature which you believe to be against the rules.

Kind regards,

I'll just start my own forum if I am censored.
go for it. with info out in the open like that, it'll be much easier to plug the leak.
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
[edit]Edited by: Kugutsumen on 25/12/2006 08:56:16[/edit]
Originally Posted by Queeria
[edit]Edited by: Queeria on 25/12/2006 08:45:37[/edit]
link to said forum then?

Quality posts if this hasn't all been fabricated and is legit.

Interest +1

Oh, and saved to desktop.
Just in case: ""

Also if you like my eve-o post, don't forget to donate some ISK. Intelligence and infiltration work, browsing thru enemy forums takes a lot of time.
Originally Posted by Thor Xian
All that really tells me is that BoB is smart enough to know they can't trust anyone to do anything that isn't in their own (not BoB's) best interest, but I already knew that.

Other parts of it are interesting, though not really a surprise.
Originally Posted by Zeknichov
All this MC and FIX talk I say we just combine alliances and form McFIX. Anyways can I get a summary that's far too much reading for 2:00am.
Originally Posted by charlie delta
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
Um, WTF.. u are a member of ASCN, with all the public posting of ur forums, eve-mail, jesus even TS recordings.. you are now wanting this thread silenced because it is stuff from BOB's internal world??!!
sentinel eeex = bob alt spy ftw?! [:ugh:]
Originally Posted by Emsigma
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Also if you like my eve-o post, don't forget to donate some ISK. Intelligence and infiltration work, browsing thru enemy forums takes a lot of time.
Now, at least you should give credits where credit is due :)
That is not intel that you have gathered personally, is it?
Originally Posted by SaorAlba
Keep it coming m8. Finally after months of Bob post something actually worth reading. Happy christmas to ya all folks. I am off to the mining grounds. Them titan cue's are killing me!
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Emsigma
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Also if you like my eve-o post, don't forget to donate some ISK. Intelligence and infiltration work, browsing thru enemy forums takes a lot of time.
Now, at least you should give credits where credit is due :)
That is not intel that you have gathered personally, is it?
To who?

I run one of the largest intelligence agency in EVE, we have compromised over twenty alliances. I think my only rival would be The Mittani and his GIA.

Please don't mention Blacklight or Istvann; they are wannabes compared to me: presomptious, overconfident, arrogant, insolent...
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Emsigma
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Also if you like my eve-o post, don't forget to donate some ISK. Intelligence and infiltration work, browsing thru enemy forums takes a lot of time.
Now, at least you should give credits where credit is due :)
That is not intel that you have gathered personally, is it?
To who?

I run one of the largest intelligence agency in EVE, we have compromised over twenty alliances. I think my only rival would be The Mittani and his GIA.

Please don't mention Blacklight or Istvann; they are wannabes compared to me: presomptious, overconfident, arrogant, insolent...
To say that The Mittanis' intel is up-to-date? LOL. We've seen his intel, it's even more out of date than yours is.
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
To say that The Mittanis' intel is up-to-date? LOL. We've seen his intel, it's even more out of date than yours is.
Dian, did you read the OP? the first two quotes are from today. The rest is just to give a background on why you haven't gone for D2 titan yet.
Originally Posted by KIAEddZ
BEst Tinfoil post in ages. Well written, concise and with chat logged evidence of said accusations...

Chow calling V a bunch of turds, lol, made me smile.
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
To say that The Mittanis' intel is up-to-date? LOL. We've seen his intel, it's even more out of date than yours is.
Dian, did you read the OP? the first two quotes are from today. The rest is just to give a background on why you haven't gone for D2 titan yet.
The first two quotes are from a different forum to your chatlog and not part of any command discussion - try again.
Originally Posted by Armois Delgato
This has to be among the best EVE fanfiction I have ever read.
Originally Posted by Gungankllr
[edit]Edited by: Gungankllr on 25/12/2006 10:33:01[/edit]
While I have an intense dislike for BoB, I also hate people that copy and paste private convos and forum stuff to the Eve forums.

Jaques from ISD ruled that copying convos and out of game stuff to these forums is against the rules, so you can just stop now.

If there's a moderator that didn't get the memo I'd be happy to forward the mail to you I have.
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Gungankllr
While I have an intense dislike for BoB, I also hate people that copy and paste private convos and forum stuff to the Eve forums.

Jaques from ISD ruled that copying out of game stuff to these forums is against the rules, so you can just stop now.

If there's a moderator that didn't get the memo I'd be happy to forward the mail to you I have.
It's all good, GK, gotta love the drama ;)
Originally Posted by Nifel
Originally Posted by Gungankllr
While I have an intense dislike for BoB, I also hate people that copy and paste private convos and forum stuff to the Eve forums.

Jaques from ISD ruled that copying out of game stuff to these forums is against the rules, so you can just stop now.

If there's a moderator that didn't get the memo I'd be happy to forward the mail to you I have.
What rules would that be breaking? Shit ruling is all I can say, but I want to hear the reasons behind it.
Originally Posted by ollobrains
privateers continue to kill everyone we are making empire more dangerous than 0.0 atm got an alt wanna shoot the rest of eve with our war decs come join - we are about to send this game into a whole new phase
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
Originally Posted by charlie delta
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
Um, WTF.. u are a member of ASCN, with all the public posting of ur forums, eve-mail, jesus even TS recordings.. you are now wanting this thread silenced because it is stuff from BOB's internal world??!!
sentinel eeex = bob alt spy ftw?! [:ugh:]
Yeah, I forgot to post with my Sir Molle main. Bad me. You've done amazing investigative work, here's a cookie for you too.

Read what Gung wrote, since he said it better than I could (English not being native language and stuff).

Me being member of ASCN has nothing to do with me hating crap like this in a damn online game. I dislike Kugutsu as much as I dislike BoB, for posting private things on eve-o forums. At least I got a chance to shoot bobbits - that'll be harder with Kugutsu. BoB at least did it for propaganda war, this kid is doing it because he lacks attention.

He mostly pissed me off with disclosings things I've said on ASCN forum (in regards to getting shot inside POS shields) - which was not that horrible. Horrible was that he seemingly can't read or understand the point, and that is really annoying.

Won't even get into how he'd get access to forums (script kiddie is my guess). As in "I've just ran this piece of code, which I have no understanding of, but it allowed me to do 'stuff'" - my favourite kind.

/me wonder if anyone ever checks their weblogs, or uses mod_security, or... sigh
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
/me wonder if anyone ever checks their weblogs, or uses mod_security, or... sigh
Trust me, we do all of that - unfortunately it would seem that access is being gained not through espionage (which is how we go about gaining intel, as distasteful as others may find it) but through exploiting security holes in our forum software. The holes will get plugged, of course, and our webmaster people are quite enjoying the chance to fight "real" haxing attempts and such; the thin grey line is mighty obvious from where this particular action is standing, though.
Originally Posted by Fire Hawk
Because it allways go to flamefest and ISD use to delete posts with such convo logs.

As a BoB officer, I can tell that there isnt anything worthing more than a ISK in this thread.

1) There is no date, no location, no context on each logs, and Mr Smith, wanabee CIA or MI6 agent, you know that without details of context, chat logs are nothing.

2) There is no solid argument that made you jump from the content of your report to the topic title : "BoB is affraid of RA/Goon/D2". I can tell that's even ridiculous, as we can't wait to deal with them.

3) You showed hate towards a BoB officer. So I accuse you to not being neutral in your investigation. It is like a famous CIA report we all saw : "There is a lot of weapons of mass destruction in IRAK, and children that eat ppl and women that eat children."

Do I need to go for more ?

Happy xmas all ;)
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Fitz
(except for dian)
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Sentinel Eeex
/me wonder if anyone ever checks their weblogs, or uses mod_security, or... sigh
Trust me, we do all of that - unfortunately it would seem that access is being gained not through espionage (which is how we go about gaining intel, as distasteful as others may find it) but through exploiting security holes in our forum software.
Erm, yes, that's what I tried to imply (without trying to accuse anyone of actually exploiting :)

It's fairly simple, really.

His 'advertisement' (in his sig) mentions this:

* Security Assessment
* Penetration Test

You don't use these terms if you haven't been in computer/network security world.

He forgot "hardening", though [:D]

And I pretty much can assume he can't really code an exploit by himself...
Originally Posted by SaorAlba
Originally Posted by Fire Hawk
Because it allways go to flamefest and ISD use to delete posts with such convo logs.

As a BoB officer, I can tell that there isnt anything worthing more than a ISK in this thread.

1) There is no date, no location, no context on each logs, and Mr Smith, wanabee CIA or MI6 agent, you know that without details of context, chat logs are nothing.

2) There is no solid argument that made you jump from the content of your report to the topic title : "BoB is affraid of RA/Goon/D2". I can tell that's even ridiculous, as we can't wait to deal with them.

3) You showed hate towards a BoB officer. So I accuse you to not being neutral in your investigation. It is like a famous CIA report we all saw : "There is a lot of weapons of mass destruction in IRAK, and children that eat ppl and women that eat children."

Do I need to go for more ?

Happy xmas all ;)
Ah so it's true that Damgage control T2 are on the market now. I must hurry to Jita to get me one together with a free clue being a eurly adaptor[:idea:]
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Fitz
(except for dian)
oh dear, you certainly have now blown your credibility, direct fiction ftw. Rookie mistakes ftw.
Originally Posted by Darknesss
nice read [8)]
Originally Posted by Fred0
[:lol:] Nice to see Nebba in TinFoil.

Apart from that not much news tbh. Everybody knows SNRA and BOB are buddy buddy and go way back. Question is how it will be arranged long term :)
Originally Posted by fire 59
Emote reads through the chat log and content, strokes chin. Um, where abouts is the afraid bit btw, i must have missed it while i re-read it the 3rd time. Seriously though, thread title is just silly tbh, a pvp alliance scared of, um, pvp? [:roll:]
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Fitz
(except for dian)
oh dear, you certainly have now blown your credibility, direct fiction ftw. Rookie mistakes ftw.
Fitz's quote is from your IRC channel, chump!

The first two quotes in the OP are from today and the rest was just to put things into context.

Do you really think my post is all fiction?

D2 and RAGOON are already preparing to bust Bob before you'll have the time to turn ASCN into "pet corps"*


* pet corp is the official name for vassal corporations.
Originally Posted by Kaeten
Hiya mate
what you up to today?
not much really, nearly located the titan's location
ah good news that will certainly spice things up
indeed, when will ascn fall?
did i mention i have a few pets
no you didn't go on..
I own a cow, chicken, two dogs, five cats, one fish which I'm tempted to eat, two donkeys and one err wrong looking hamster that.. well you don't want to know.
ah cool mate well i don't care about the titans anymore, may i come over and pet those animals of yours?
In other words, no matter how realistic "chatlogs" may look, they can always be made... If you want to post facts -> pics or stfu (well fraps or stfu as pics can be faked just as easy).

Me thinks people are desperate...
Originally Posted by BoeserBiber
Quality! [:lol:]

you could show us some screens, will ya? [:D] [:pirate:] [:twisted:]
Originally Posted by Paladineguru
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Emsigma
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Also if you like my eve-o post, don't forget to donate some ISK. Intelligence and infiltration work, browsing thru enemy forums takes a lot of time.
Now, at least you should give credits where credit is due :)
That is not intel that you have gathered personally, is it?
To who?

I run one of the largest intelligence agency in EVE, we have compromised over twenty alliances. I think my only rival would be The Mittani and his GIA.

Please don't mention Blacklight or Istvann; they are wannabes compared to me: presomptious, overconfident, arrogant, insolent...
actually your wrong about your rivals but i wont elaborate.
Originally Posted by Buzee
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
[edit]Edited by: Kugutsumen on 25/12/2006 11:06:30[/edit]
[edit]Edited by: Kugutsumen on 25/12/2006 08:58:16[/edit]
At the time Sir Molle said: [i]"Titan needs popped, bring MC and FIX."
it's not new news, just another reminder who keeps mc on a leash :P
Originally Posted by Fire Hawk
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
D2 and RAGOON are already preparing to bust Bob before you'll have the time to turn ASCN into "pet corps"*

Best xmas present ever
Originally Posted by Coasterbrian
Posting intel from private forums into eve-o is lame. [:?]

With that said, an interesting read. I'm inclined to believe it, since I know for a fact the titan intel is accurate and the rest seems to logically fall into place.

However, with the facts presented, I have to agree with the BoBs in this thread on one point: Where is the scared? I see no evidence of fear, merely acknowledgement of the fact that even they have limits when up against a fight on multiple fronts. From personal experience I can agree with this, because while BoB could put anywhere from 60 to 120 men in a system at any time of day, doing so required they remove their presence from anywhere else, including their own space.
Originally Posted by ragewind
for the log of god no more bob threads on XMAS day
Originally Posted by Myz Toyou
[edit]Edited by: Myz Toyou on 25/12/2006 12:29:54[/edit]
/me grabs popcorn and waits till Nez Perces & Bitter Dog finally arrives to complete that thread [:lol:]
Originally Posted by General Unpleasantness
Suspicious lack of bob forum warriors in this thread?[:lol:]
funny...I never thought I would see the greatest,most uber,well organised,most dedicated,titan owning,fearless,merciless,best PvPers,with the best leaders,with a huge industrial backbone and a massive forum squad,who play the game 'hard',who respect nobody and dont want to be liked themselves,who have the best spies,a massive cap fleet,who have challenged all of Eve to come take their crown suddenly.........fall silent?
Where is Yazoul and krystal?This guy calls you cowards and you just let him get away with it? Pffffft!
Originally Posted by Kryztal
lol, good going.

Doubt anyone was suprised by the thing, the title is wrong though :P
Originally Posted by katz3
Very intresting. [:lol:]
Originally Posted by Phrixus Zephyr
Originally Posted by General Unpleasantness
Suspicious lack of bob forum warriors in this thread?[:lol:]
funny...I never thought I would see the greatest,most uber,well organised,most dedicated,titan owning,fearless,merciless,best PvPers,with the best leaders,with a huge industrial backbone and a massive forum squad,who play the game 'hard',who respect nobody and dont want to be liked themselves,who have the best spies,a massive cap fleet,who have challenged all of Eve to come take their crown suddenly.........fall silent?
Where is Yazoul and krystal?This guy calls you cowards and you just let him get away with it? Pffffft!
...because if you look carefully, they were ordered not to post.

On the other hand the amount of defusing and redirection going on is quite amusing.

Title is misleading and almost has me saying "Well done captain obvious" but the content was interesting to read.
Originally Posted by Angry Dan
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
To say that The Mittanis' intel is up-to-date? LOL. We've seen his intel, it's even more out of date than yours is.
Dian, did you read the OP? the first two quotes are from today. The rest is just to give a background on why you haven't gone for D2 titan yet.
The first two quotes are from a different forum to your chatlog and not part of any command discussion - try again.
Did you just say whay I think you said? Becasue I read that like your saying that the chatlog is authentic, and is on a different forum to the one with the quoted discussions.

Thats a big whoops there.

+10 credibility to the OP, who I had assumed was some idiot troll. Authenticating the OP wasn't the planned response was it?
Originally Posted by Stamm
I assumed it was authentic, it matches all the rumours/intel/stuff flying about. It's no secret that everybody was expecting a BoB road trip to attmpt to knock the titan out.

The rest of it really is just conjecture and discussion. There's no real meat to it.
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Angry Dan
Thats a big whoops there.

+10 credibility to the OP, who I had assumed was some idiot troll. Authenticating the OP wasn't the planned response was it?
90% of the chatlog is authentic, yes. Why would we deny it?

"omg d2 / ra are building a titan shall we kill it"?


He's added a nice few pieces of flame in there to spice things up, but the general gist of it? Sure, it's true.


Even if the chatlog itself was false, is anyone surprised that such a conversation took place? Why would we deny that we had such plans?

Would be pretty stupid and ultimately pointless, no?
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Stamm
I assumed it was authentic, it matches all the rumours/intel/stuff flying about. It's no secret that everybody was expecting a BoB road trip to attmpt to knock the titan out.

The rest of it really is just conjecture and discussion. There's no real meat to it.
Originally Posted by Laythun
[edit]Edited by: Laythun on 25/12/2006 12:49:37[/edit]
Good Read but old news tbh.
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
He's added a nice few pieces of flame in there to spice things up, but the general gist of it? Sure, it's true.
I copied that chatlog verbatim, didn't have add anything to it.
Originally Posted by Turkantho
the funny thing in here is that bobbits want to keep their naps secret, guess the "omg stfu you northern nap monkeys" won't work that well when you acknowledge that you nap just like everyone else does.[:lol:]
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
[edit]Edited by: Kugutsumen on 25/12/2006 13:08:58[/edit]
Originally Posted by Angry Dan
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
To say that The Mittanis' intel is up-to-date? LOL. We've seen his intel, it's even more out of date than yours is.
Dian, did you read the OP? the first two quotes are from today. The rest is just to give a background on why you haven't gone for D2 titan yet.
The first two quotes are from a different forum to your chatlog and not part of any command discussion - try again.
Did you just say whay I think you said? Becasue I read that like your saying that the chatlog is authentic, and is on a different forum to the one with the quoted discussions.

Thats a big whoops there.

+10 credibility to the OP, who I had assumed was some idiot troll. Authenticating the OP wasn't the planned response was it?
Dian, sorry... I didn't realise I had to post a genuine bob director post from today for credibility. So here it is:

Originally Posted by Dianabolic
In a similar vein to Blacklights' "Paragon Pet summary", can we get an indication of suitable numbers to be allowed in to each region so as not to overload their resources and cause friction amongst future pets.

Paragon Soul:

Paragon Soul:

Thanking you please.
The OP was just a teaser... obviously if you want really up to date intel you have to be one of my customers.

Many thanks to all the ASCN members who sent me ISK, if only I could get just 5M from each person who read this thread :)
Originally Posted by Soros
Only one way to find out.

Bring on the battles tbh.
Originally Posted by Minmatar Wanker
[edit]Edited by: Minmatar Wanker on 25/12/2006 13:27:11[/edit]

You do all know he got this imformation by exploiting a loophole in the forum software, not actually working up to director status within bob [8)]

So based on that, the other "20" alliances forums he has acsess to, he is probaly doing the same.

Somthing to do with cookies ? I dont really understand !
Originally Posted by Lowa
[edit]Edited by: Lowa on 25/12/2006 13:30:54[/edit]
Oh oh oh! X-mass day drama! I like! [:p]

Nothing that forward thinking leaders havent already planned
for and its no surprise that BoB is planning to (in one way
or another) and has been going after Capital yards all over EVE.

And you dont think BoB would welcome a real challange?
After the dissapointing resistance from ASCN and never been
properly attacked my guess is that ppl are feeling the adrenalin already.

And btw, Digital said "never afraid".

But its sort of refreshing to see that things can come
out from BoB too, just adds to the apocalyptic build up tbh.
And I would figure its considered another challange to plug the holes.

Edit: Haxing is bad btw, just so we are clear on that.

Originally Posted by hired goon

Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Minmatar Wanker
blah blah blah... [more libel]
Alt posts are not allowed in this forum
Originally Posted by Evil Thug
Bob, please make new base in AZN, so we`ll be able to receive some fun pew pew each others, without pos.
Originally Posted by Blacklight
Well this is fun :)

We always work on the premise that everything in our forums gets read by our enemies, it's simply niave to believe otherwise.

I don't believe it will really be a shock to anyone in the Eve universe that we discuss potential targets, potential attacks on us, potential allies if needed etc. What on earth would our forums be for otherwise?

The OP's obviously talented at what he does and you're not going to see us complain that our forums are being spied upon, would be a lot more kudos to the OP if he'd done it by getting a spy in rather than hacking/exploiting some security loophole in PHP but such is life.

I hope you all enjoy the read and may your conspiracy theories run riot [)]

Happy christmas tin foil hat sellers and wearers alike!
Originally Posted by shakaZ XIV
lol, didn't expect that post to end up here [:D]

Originally Posted by meh
shakaZ XIV asks: "Why wouldn't they go for us? :P

Seriously though... /me looks in crystal ball (or was it tinfoil ball ;p), and sees: AAA probably wanna help RA wipe LV off ze map, then nap D2 (they have done this already, afaik?), after which AAA + goons + RA + D2 + all the other bob haters all gang up on us :D muhaha!

Or not... but you never know! ;p

/me starts mass producing tin-foil

Either way, totally lame from AXE that they just give up. :lol: gg to AAA tbh.."
It was pure tin foil hattery on my part, like it says in the post you copied. My conjecture is based on absolutely nothing. [:D] It's just me trying to predict a "worst case scenario".

Who says this will actually happen? And even IF this kind of stuff actually happened, it would be a lot of fun (and a proper challenge, for a change [:x]). No one said we are "afraid" of such stuff. I know some people in bob hoped the ASCN war would provide others with an excuse/opportunity to attack BOB, but it didn't happen.

But good to know the BOB forums are now officially compromised. [:lol:]

/me starts writing morale blog [:D]
Originally Posted by Stamm
Originally Posted by Blacklight
We always work on the premise that everything in our forums gets read by our enemies, it's simply niave to believe otherwise.
Nothing is more valuable than an absolute certainty, as I'm sure you know. Every day in Eve we attempt to manage risk, we reduce it when it suits us, and increase it when it suits us. We fit warp core stabs on our haulers to reduce the chance that they will get ganked. We fit an extra point, to increase the chance we gank something.

In short, a true certainty in Eve is priceless. So now I offer you the chance for a true certainty, I can promise if you give me a BoB forum account with full access, everything you write will be read by your enemies.

On a serious note while I can't condone hacking/exploiting forum holes, but I'm nosy enough to hope he dumps the whole content and throws it up on the web for everybody to read. Would certainly be an eye opener to learn how BoB operates internally etc. But yeah, hackings bad, m'kay?
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Blacklight
Well this is fun :)

We always work on the premise that everything in our forums gets read by our enemies, it's simply niave to believe otherwise.
Oh really?

Tell me then why do you post stuff on that forum that could get you banned from EVE? (hint: cynonet)
Originally Posted by Angry Dan
Originally Posted by Dianabolic
Originally Posted by Angry Dan
Thats a big whoops there.

+10 credibility to the OP, who I had assumed was some idiot troll. Authenticating the OP wasn't the planned response was it?
90% of the chatlog is authentic, yes. Why would we deny it?

"omg d2 / ra are building a titan shall we kill it"?


He's added a nice few pieces of flame in there to spice things up, but the general gist of it? Sure, it's true.


Even if the chatlog itself was false, is anyone surprised that such a conversation took place? Why would we deny that we had such plans?

Would be pretty stupid and ultimately pointless, no?
I take everything I read here with a pinch of salt so big you need a truck to move it. 9 out of 10 posts are propaganda. The other one is usually just an outright lie.

And, no I wasn't surprised as to the content, I'm just surprised that you are not denying it. Surprise is a great advantage. It would be stupid to throw it away, unless you are trying to force D2 to start before they have the full monty ready.

I'm also more surprised about the implication of your future targets. I would have gone with helping LV swat RA and goons, with a hint of AAA or AXE on the side. But then, I'm just a lonely peon who knows nothing.
Originally Posted by Crean NaVar
While the actual value of information is not that high, the comical aspect of the BoB and LV ( and alts ) replies is worth the thread. Very funny to see Dianabolic twisting and turning his way around some unconvenient truths in there.

I´d like to know how happy the general LV member is with the prospect of working with BoB in the future?

And I´m sure the general -V- members are very happy to see their great efforts to hold back RA over the past year appreciated that much by their good friend Chowdown.
Originally Posted by Kryztal
Originally Posted by Crean NaVar
I´d like to know how happy the general LV member is with the prospect of working with BoB in the future?
LoL and thats worse then working with aAa ? cute

Nobody is twisting whats been posted here, we are all having a great laugh while fixing the problem. We may work diffrently (spies) but in the end posting other alliances forum threads has never been an issue for us so this really isnt and nothing thats been posted should be coming as a suprise to the general public with a clue :P

Originally Posted by Koredor
Silly propaganda
Originally Posted by Rexthor Hammerfists
was a good read,
but i cant help but wonder why the op wasted such a nice spyzor spot for such a useless post?

well if its meant as a promotion then it makes sense.

whatever, i say bring it d2 and others,
itll b the biggest thing in 2007 ;)
Originally Posted by Kugutsumen
Originally Posted by Rexthor Hammerfists
was a good read,
but i cant help but wonder why the op wasted such a nice spyzor spot for such a useless post?

well if its meant as a promotion then it makes sense.

whatever, i say bring it d2 and others,
itll b the biggest thing in 2007 ;)
Did you watch the Curse of the Golden Flower?