Wednesday 27 December 2006

Bob Pet Management System


Original EVE-O Thread

We always called them Bob Slaves... The word slave isn't politically correct... in real life we call them "Employees" and in BoB they are called "Pets".

Pet Management

Suggesting a corp
  1. Create a separate post for each suggested Pet corp here.
  2. If after 2 days no one has objected it shall be taken as read that there is no objection.
  3. Someone can then reply to the post for us all to update standings.

Station Access
  1. Station Access Delve (Dianabolic)
  2. Station access Period Basis (Villsen/Cell)

Fee Distribution in BoB (Dianabolic)
  1. Who has paid what and when is recorded (already being done)
  2. Will confirm that they still have bob alliance standings
  3. Divided up between the BoB corps periodically (after removing alliance fees, war dec fees)
  4. Post on corps threads each time they pay.

Basic Rates
Period Basis (or) Fountain (or) Outering = 100m
Any 2 of the Above = 200m
All 3 + Delve = 250m
Note: All rates are per week, per corp.

Alliances Discounts
- No fees for Xelas or Slacker Industries
- ISS has 25% discount
- Alliances get 20% discount if 10+ corps.

Current Deal
- Fees are per week per corp
- No complex rights
- No buy orders for minerals
- Station Refine fee 3%

POS Placements
- Can place any type of POS (including refine)
- Only Xelas & ISS may claim sovreignty (Not in Delve)
- NO POS in station systems
- Promethium and Dysprosium BoB Only.
- POS must be set not to fire on BoB corps (Evol, RKK, BNC, BNC.E)

- Payment goes to Dianabolic
- Post on corps threads each time they pay


1 - Basing in Fountain, with travel rights ONLY in other bob territories.
2 - POS, including refinery, are allowed, except in station systems and NO harve
sting of the top 4 MOON materials (Promethium, Dysprosium, Thulium, Neodynium).
3 - Absolutely NO capital ship assembly arrays, we will not question this if we find them we will simply blow them up and expel you from our space.
4 - BoB will defend against large scale invasions, you are responsible for defending yourself against small to medium sized gangs.
5 - You will match BoB standings in our space and engage hostiles and neutrals when the opportunity arises.
6 - The cost for access is 300m a week, which runs from monday to monday. This is to be paid to the character "Dianabolic" every monday by 23:59 eve time.
7 - Should you be accepted we will supply you a list of standings and it is YOUR responsibility to ensure these are reciprocated.
8 - All pilots are to join the shared defense channel "Bobs Bedroom".
9 - The constellations of Satyr and Chimera are restricted access.
10 - The system of Y-2ANO is for docking or ice mining ONLY, NO NPC'ing and NO o
re mining.
11 - NO complex access.
12 - NO market mineral or ice buy orders.
13 - A deposit of 600m (2 weeks rent) will be paid up front. If you are ever more than 2 weeks late in payment and do not make up this "deposit" your rights and access will be revoked. If however you leave and are up-to-date this fee will be refunded to you.

Paragon Soul
1 - Basing in Paragon Soul with travel rights ONLY in other bob territories.
2 - POS, including refinery, are allowed, except in station systems and NO harvesting of the top 4 MOON materials (Promethium, Dysprosium, Thulium, Neodynium).
NO refinery arrays within 5 jumps of ANY BoB owned refinery.
3 - Absolutely NO capital ship assembly arrays, we will not question this if we find them we will simply blow them up and expel you from our space.
4 - BoB will defend against large scale invasions, you are responsible for defending yourself against small to medium sized gangs.
5 - You will match BoB standings in our space and engage hostiles and neutrals when the opportunity arises.
6 - The cost for access is 300m a week, which runs from monday to monday. This is to be paid to the character "Dianabolic" every monday by 23:59 eve time.
7 - Should you be accepted we will supply you a list of standings and it is YOUR responsibility to ensure these are reciprocated.
8 - All pilots are to join the shared defense channel "Bobs Bedroom". A regional channel will also be provided
9 - NO market mineral or ice buy orders.
10 - NO 10.10 complex use.
11 - A deposit of 600m (2 weeks rent) will be paid up front. If you are ever more than 2 weeks late in payment and do not make up this "deposit" your rights and access will be revoked. If however you leave and are up-to-date this fee will be refunded to you.

TODO: Business Plan for feytabolis, branch, venal, tenal, fade, cloud ring, scalding pass, wicked creek and insmother.
n a similar vein to [url=
orum/viewtopic.php?t=15771Blacklights' "Paragon Pet summary"[/url], can we get a
n indication of suitable numbers to be allowed in to each region so as not to ov
erload their resources and cause friction amongst future pets.

Current 2006:
Paragon Soul:

Optimal 2007:
Paragon Soul:

Estimated 2007:
Cloud ring:
Scalding Pass:
Wicked Creek:
New Regions:

Thanking you please.

Can all future guest requests please include the following information, in the following format:

Corp Name:
Corp Ticker:
Primary Contact:
Secondary Contact:
Active numbers 12:00 to 18:00:
Active numbers 18:00 to 04:00:
Active numbers 04:00 to 11:00:
Primary activity (mining / npc'ing / trade / pos etc):
Active wars:
Corp history:
Capital Ship numbers:
Other notes of interest:

Please have the corp themselves fill this form out so it can be pasted on these



Our current deal with D-L includes a strontium conponent, I'd like to get this r
emoved because of the fluctuating and bulky nature of the material. I'd also lik
e to use this thread to nail down a set of "rates", at least a guideline anyway,
as we're getting a fair few enquiries, one from an ASCN corp tonight and others
from general enquiries.

My suggestion would be:

Single system outpost system:
Exclusive access to the one system, shared mining rights in the constellation.
3bn a month.

Constellation deal:
Exclusive access to one constellation, travel access in other systems only. Must
build at least 2 stations in the constellation.
5bn a month.

Only BoB and the owning faction would have docking rights, no one else.


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