Wednesday 27 December 2006

Merry X-mas, dear Dusk and Dawn members!

Of course any members of D2 can read this.

I would like to remind you guys that I keep valuable intel for my paying customers...

Merry X-mas, dear Dusk and Dawn members!

The new year is close, we achieved a lot this past year, but there still is a lot more to achieve.
When we founded Dusk and Dawn at the beginning of April we took over the regions of Fade and Cloud Ring from G’s heritage. In the following eight months a lot happened in the world of EVE and our realm changed and grew.
Shortly after the foundation of Dusk and Dawn the decision was made to aim for a stabilized north. That which had previously been a raging battlefield should be welded into unison. (Map)

The first target became the region of Branch which offered a suitable foundation for future endeavors. The fleets were mobilized and our first territorial war started against “The Five” and “Babylon Federal Republic”. Simultaneously a front was opened against “Kaos Empire” at home in Tenal, and “Forsaken Empire” which occupied Vale of the Silent and Tribute.

Over the next few weeks everything happened quite fast. Along with our allies Razor we achieved victory over “The Five” and were able to drive away “Kaos Empire”. With this the first goal of pacifying the region of Branch and incorporating it into Dusk and Dawn was achieved. The neighboring region of Tenal was taken over by Razor and became their new home. (Map)

A short time after Branch was secured and declared as new area of operations we built the first base in the outer edges of the region. In the early morning hours of the 29.04.06, 17 days after the foundation of Dusk and Dawn we assembled the alliances first new Outpost. A refining outpost in QYZ-MW, under the control of the newly founded D2 Holding Corp. Additional outposts were planned and deployed in Branch over the next few months.

The D2 Holding was founded to minimize the management efforts and avoid confusion of corporate standings which have to be set by each station owner. Over some time the Holding established control over all Dusk and Dawn stations, unifying management under one banner. This helped to further channel the income from office rents, refining taxes, etc back into the alliance.

The next weeks were marked by fighting in Tribute against “ERA” who were founded by remnants of “The Five” and KIA. “Forsaken Empire” had fallen in the meantime and from its ashes “VOID Alliance” was born who again tried their luck in Vale of the Silent. (Map)
At the same time in northern Deklein the “Sparta Alliance” established itself in cooperation with the also in Deklein living “NFC Alliance”.

Within the next month we were able to decisively beat ERA and they were forced to withdraw. Since we did not had any interest ourselves to hold Tribute we gave it to our friends “Guard” and “Morsus Mihi” who then shared ownership of the region.
Concurrently we increased the pressure on VOID to support the “CDC Alliance”. Within a short time VOID crumbled and CDC was able to take over the whole of Vale of the Silent. At that time also the “Freelancer Alliance” peacefully entered parts of the region of Deklein. (Map)

In July we were forced into our first unplanned conflict, which would become our most bloody war to date. The corporations Steelvipers and Federation of Synthetic Persons decided to leave the alliance. They did this in a rather hasty and unprofessional manner, hard to comprehend. This lead to a dent in Cloud Ring’s defenses, and more importantly, the loss of sovereignty in the core system of XZH. This came to the attention of “Goonswarm Alliance” which up till then lived in Syndicate. In a cloak and dagger operation they moved into XZH and deployed their own POS.
We had had no ambitions to hold on Cloud Ring, actually had wanted to vacate it before these events. (That also had been part of the reasons for STV and FSP, who mostly had lived there, to leave.) However we decided to act on the clearly hostile actions of Goonswarm, by invading what was still D2 territory. (Map)

Fighting started which ensued over weeks, marked by POS attacks, plenty of Node crashes and lag, and thousands of dead Goon pilots. While their battle tactics and equipment were clearly inferior, their unique size and Mega Corp structure made them a new kind of enemy. Goons did not simply focus on expensive high end equipment, but masses of cheap and easy to replace T1 ships. After many battles, and an unsustainable amount of attrition, the goonfleet leadership changed its strategy. Instead of giving our pilots a fight, they avoided enemy contact, while at the same time their logistics deployed more POS. With the time zone advantage on their side they were able to time their reinforced mode to make it awkward to finish the job. POS that we destroyed were replaced by them within a short time. In an attempt to finally establish sovereignty over the system once and for all, Goons anchored another dozen POS, it was then we made the decision to finish this war in a single decisive action.

However while we were fighting in Cloud Ring several other events unfolded in the vicinity. IRON returned back to the screen and pushed back into Deklein. The fight was carried against the alliances of NFC and Sparta. Initially it seemed to become another prolonged war, but then NFC leadership made the fateful call to side with Goons. (the Cyno field in Fade intermezzo)
Due to this incident NFC was set to a negative standing and declared war upon. NFC was not prepared for that at all, within only a few days they collapsed entirely and their space fell back to IRON.

Parts of NFC split off and joined the “Sparta Alliance”, who had been neutral, in northern Deklein. The displeasure of ex-NFC members against Dusk and Dawn caused the democratically lead Sparta alliance to get carried away. They also entered a pact with Goons and declared war on us. In response to that we essentially put the entire XZH campaign on hold, only maintaining the POS there. All military forces were re-deployed to northern Deklein to eradicate Sparta. In five days both stations were overrun completely vanquishing them. Both stations were incorporated into Dusk and Dawn.

After this short trip the final offensive in XZH was initiated. Within one day the POS count in this key system was upped to 42 POS. In securing the majority of moons with this it was made impossible for Goons to regain sovereignty without destroying any of ours. This put an end to their POS spam and strategy of avoiding direct confrontations. Their morale and will to hang on was broken. The next 2 weeks were limited to occasional skirmishes and POS refueling on their side. However more of their POS ran dry and fell prey to our pilots. After the destruction of the final POS the XZH campaign was ended. After pacification the region was handed to Rise who had before operated only in Outer Ring. We unanchored our POS and withdrew from Cloud Ring.

While the XZH offensive drew to a close the “Tau Ceti Federation” launched an offensive into Tribute on our allies Morsus Mihi and Guard. (Map.)
Likewise in a surprise operation they succeeded in capitalizing on a weakness in the defenses of both key systems of Tribute, D7-ZAC and H-W, and deploying their POS their.
Initially only intended as a swift relief action Dusk and Dawn entered the conflict to help our allies. With Razor and Morsus Mihi we cleaned up and regained control in H-W within two weeks. However TCF proved to be stronger and more resourceful than anticipated and massively reinforced their presence in D7. There our forces met strong resistance. TCF had learned and their pilots were very well equipped for anti-dreadnought combat which resulted in substantial problem for us. It took four weeks of hard fighting, dozens of node crashes, overnight actions and multiple new tactics to succeed. But TCF was driven from D7 back to Venal. (Map)

What followed were weeks of relative calm without any territorial wars. TCF decided to leave for the south and there, like Goons, allied with “Red Alliance”. After TCF’s departure Venal noticeably calmed down too, which prompted us to officially lay the long overdue claim to Venal. In the meantime YouWhat with significant support from the corporation Outbreak was able to expel Rise from Cloud Ring and claim it for themselves. (Map)

October was dominated by our Southern Crossfire Campaign, something like a little D2 internal contest, which had the whole south as target. In its two weeks runtime 3964 enemy ships were destroyed, averaging nearly 300 ships per day. The final statistics crowned Einherjar Rising, who clearly led by points, as the winner with a reward of 3 billion ISK. The following weeks were used for some larger fleet exercises.

In November we participated in a campaign in Geminate, which by then was partly claimed by “Euphoria Unleashed” the new founded alliance of Euphoria Released.
The aim was to give support in the dismantling of Roadkill and Smash which had pushed into southern Geminate. The main combat area was in K25. After decimating the enemy POS count and the friend to foe POS ratio was down to one in favor for RoadSmash we became aware of another potential danger which led us to recall our main fleets to Branch.

Some weeks of intensive buildups and defensive preparations followed. Giving us the time to prepare for the quirks of Kali. The far reaching changes in game mechanics it brought, its new challenges, complexes and exploration. Essentially this was continued until today’s event, which concludes this little historical review.

The Erebus project.

In today’s wee hours of the morning a massive project of the last months came to its glorious end. Gigantic amounts of minerals were moved and used up, whole POS networks were built up to ensure today’s launching. As of today, the 24.12.06 Dusk and Dawn is in possession of a gallente designed Titan of the Erebus class. Which is the fifth player built Titan, and currently one of four in service on the server.

The project leading corporations which also fronted the complete financial means amounting
to about 140 billion ISK were in alphabetic order:

Cataclysm Enterprises
Infinite Improbability Inc
Omega Enterprises
The X-Trading Company

At this point again a special thanks to this corporations and their promoting forces.
May thousands fall prey to this behemoth.

Forum / Teamspeak

Along with some maintenance work a new forum software was installed, encorporating a new design that harmonizes with Killboard layout. Additionally in the next days a cleanup of the user database on the Teamspeak server and the forum will follow.

Further, Razor will relocate to our TS server. This is done to further increase our cooperation and to make communication more efficient.

Corporations in the alliance

In the next days 2 new corporations will enforce our ranks. This are:


Stardust Heavy Industries; a promising resident corp of Branch

Both corporations will introduce themselves further on the forum.

Here's to successful cooperation!

The new regions

The northernmost of the new regions, H3J8-U, continues operation in a joint venture of D2, IRON, Morsus Mihi and Razor under Razor’s aegis. Partially POS as bases already have been deployed. NBSI policy continues in these regions.

The next weeks and months

The time of rest is over, from now on there will be action again. The next weeks and months our corporations themselves will again stand the test of time. Participation is not voluntary, but duty to the alliance!

Our Fleet Commanders worked out new fleet fittings, which will be made public in the coming days. They are as always obligatory. Fit your ships accordingly and build up some reserves.

We will go to war again, have fun and we will be deadly.

Long live D2!

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