Thursday 28 December 2006

Thol's Christmas Speech

So, christmass has passed, everyone has gotten fat and lazy, and the time has come to dot the i's and cross the t's.

ASCN war
ASCN are currently dropping fast in membercount and are losing stations every single day. At the current rate ASCN will cease to exist in under a month. Now many of you have spotted that this is happening and therefore i have seen a decrease in corp activity in ASCN space. Now ASCN are not finished yet, and we are getting some intell about other factions might try and push for fountain or delve. It is important that every1 pulls their weight in the corp in these last few weeks of the war with ASCN so we can ensure a speedy ending to this increasingly boring war. Therefore the standing orders for the moment will be:

Everyone will be in AZN or C9N from the 1st of januari. Mains will be in AZN or C9N, alts can be placed in 0oyz- for roaming the K-9 area

This gives people a few more days to make the isk they need for corp tax. But i will emphasise that everyone should be in paragon/feyth in the beginning of the new year.

Member base cleanup
We are currently in the proces of removing members that are not contributing to the corp enough. There will be no warnings, but the people that have been underperforming for a long time will be removed without a conversation. You all knew what this corp was about when u joined. We will not be removing members that in our opinion have legit reasons. Ppl that get kicked because they have been away for a few months without notifying us can always reapply.

Plans for after the war
We currently have a few ideas of what our general plans after the ASCN war will be (if we don't get attacked finally.....). Firstly members will be given a "downtime" so to speak for a week or 2 to recuperate (does someone need this? ). During this time we will also consolidate our assets in the newer regions. After that we have a couple of options:

Option A: Helping F4t4l Revelations
They are basicly old members of ATUK and Black Reign that have requested DICE's help in colonising some of the newer regions. These people include omaha, gunship, ironwolf, t-rex, maasu, djthebaron. They came to us first becus of the longstanding relationship we have with many of their players. This would be a good way of exploring the newer regions, and improving bonds between our own members, since we have had some new guys join as of late.

Option B: Wardeccing Darkstar1, CLS, EDF
If the alliance doesn't wardec these corps, we will do it ourselves by creating an altcorp called "BOB Lite". This wardec will last for a long time and give our members something to do during the time in between 2 big alliance wars. Purely for fun and some griefing.

Option C: Roadtrip
We've done it before to the north, randomly pick a spot and go. Simple, fun and lots of dying!

Corp goals after the WAR
Short term goals:
Improving corp ops for isk making. Exploring, cosmos missions, rig building, complexing, etc.
Improving corp suplies of tech 2 gear/ammo and inties in A-E, creating a more solid bpo library and factory officers
Expanding the corp owned capital fleet, including at least 2 motherships and a few dreads

Long term goals:
Creating a corp owned tech 2 bpo library. This will mostly be a ships/guns library, with the intention of offering these ships to members at extremely low prices
building 2 more outposts in the c3n or g95 area to create constellation control, and thus allowing us to put up sentry guns etc etc etc.

Personal comment
Allthough DICE has been performing far above my expectations in the last 7 months, there is still much we can improve. Member initiative in creating corp ops for example. We are about teamwork above anything, and i woul liketo see even more "older" members of this corp pulling some weight and leading pvp/freighter/npc/plexing etc ops. If we can improve even further on this department i think we will without a doubt be one of (if not "the") best corp(s) in the game. SO make sure u are all in Paragon/feythabolis after januari the 1st.


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